March 24, 2020

Day in the life: IT project manager

As an IT project manager, you need a place to create and make decisions with your team. With the right platform, there's no limit to what you can achieve. Using a collaboration solution like Teams brings everything together in a shared workspace where you can chat, meet, share files, and work with business apps. Interested in learning more about the benefits of using Teams? Contact us today to find out some of the unique benefits it has over other platforms.

View: Day in the life: IT project manager

Day in the life: IT project manager

As an IT project manager, you need a place to create and make decisions with your team. With the right platform, there's no limit to what you can achieve. Using a collaboration solution like Teams brings everything together in a shared workspace where you can chat, meet, share files, and work with business apps. Interested in learning more about the benefits of using Teams? Contact us today to find out some of the unique benefits it has over other platforms.

View: Day in the life: IT project manager

Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Marketing

Marketing automation offers the best of both worlds by increasing productivity while decreasing overhead. Running your marketing efforts through a single, concise dashboard helps your sales reps prioritize their efforts towards the most promising leads. Check out this infographic and contact us today to learn more about how Dynamics 365 for Marketing can get you started building strong relationships with the right customers.

View: Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Marketing

The insider's guide to the modern workplace

For 66% of Global 2000 CEOs, digital transformation is at the heart of their corporate strategy. But embracing new tech and a new culture of work means finding ways to manage and secure productivity while minimizing costs and employee impact. We can help you adopt a modern workplace solution like Microsoft 365 to unlock integrated security capabilities, so you can focus on your business, save money, and achieve more. Contact us today to learn how we can help.

View: The insider's guide to the modern workplace

Top signs to know you've outgrown basic email marketing

The time of blast email marketing is over. As both the marketplace and available technology evolve, so does the marketing needs of your business. New technology like Dynamics 365 offers an automated marketing solution to help even small businesses deliver the personalized content customers have come to expect. Contact us today to learn more about how you can integrate Dynamics 365 and provide the experience your customers deserve.

View: Top signs to know you've outgrown basic email marketing

Lackluster Teamwork? Tips For Boosting Performance

How can you improve teamwork for your team? And what does successful teamwork look like for employees across different generations? Research shows that regular constructive feedback is key to making employees feel that their contributions are valued, especially among younger workers. This in turn translates to increased motivation among all employees and a reinforcement of the team's core values. Check out this article for more on how to help engage your employees and facilitate better teamwork.


March 23, 2020

Customer Story: Clifton Coffee Overview

For Clifton Coffee Roasters, the first step to growing their business was to improve internal communication within the company. In the past, communication among team members was extremely disjointed, so it was challenging for team members to connect in an efficient manner. And as the business expanded and more employees were onboarded, the communication breakdown became even worse. Enter Teamwork solutions from Microsoft. With a streamlined communication strategy that provided a single hub for company resources and multiple methods for team members to connect no matter where they were individually located, Clifton Coffee Roasters was able to grow into one of the UK's premier coffee companies. Contact our team to see how we can help transform your business with an upgraded teamwork platform.

March 18, 2020

What is a composable infrastructure?

There are a lot of benefits of having a composable infrastructure. Resources can be reconfigured to make up the infrastructure environment each workload needs. A developer can request VMs with any combination of compute, network, and storage capacity. At Bay Area IT Solutions, Inc., we can help you create and optimize the infrastructure you need to achieve more. Contact us today to learn more about your different infrastructure options and how we can help you implement them.


Gen Z Brings a Whole New Dynamic to the Workforce

With the oldest of Gen Z now 23, they're entering the workforce at a rapid rate. This generation expects a lot from their employers--especially when it comes to tech. To attract the best talent, you'll need to position your company as a tech-based company. Even if your business is analog by nature, the tools you use for collaboration and communication shouldn't be.


March 17, 2020

How to determine the right CRM and marketing automation for SMBs

With the right CRM and marketing automation solutions in place, you can grow your business and understand customers better. CRM technology can help you build customer relationships and improve performance. And marketing automation can help you to nurture these relationships, plus gain insights to make smarter marketing decisions. But before you invest in these tools, it's important to understand your business needs and the solution capabilities. At Bay Area IT Solutions, Inc., we specialize in integrated sales and marketing tools that can help you increase sales and deliver better customer experiences. Check out this article for tips on selecting CRM and marketing automation tools. And give us a call! We'd be glad to help you find the best solutions for your business.


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Did you know that having resources available in Microsoft Teamwork solutions reduces downtime by 15%? The benefit to your company productivity can be huge. Want to propel your business forward and change the way your team communicates? Subscribe now to learn how you can change the way your team works together.

View: Don't miss another post! Subscribe now.

Customer story: M-Files

M-Files, an enterprise content management vendor, is in the process of shifting their data and workloads to the cloud. To help them achieve their goals and migrate as seamlessly as possible, M-Files chose Azure. At Bay Area IT Solutions, Inc., we want to help you migrate to the cloud quickly and efficiently so you can achieve more. Contact us to learn more.

Customer story: Swarovski boosts global sales and marketing with Microsoft Dynamics 365

Coordinating teams and tools can be difficult, especially for global brands. That's why Swarovski is letting go of its multiple sales tools in favor of a single, cohesive, connected system. Check out this video to learn more about Swarovski's journey to a more integrated sales force with Dynamics 365.

Customer story: Teesside University fills the digital skills gap using Microsoft Teams

For teachers and staff at Teesside University, it's important to collaborate and co-create in real time. They knew that they needed to integrate modern digital solutions to enable the range of capabilities they wanted. That's why they turned to Teams. Teams allows their staff of 400 to communicate and collaborate with ease. At Bay Area IT Solutions, Inc., we want your staff to have the right collaboration tools to fit your needs. Contact us today to learn more.

March 16, 2020

Customer Story: Clifton Coffee

Clifton Coffee Roasters (CCR) is a popular coffee company that profited from the recent boom in café culture. As Clifton Coffee Roasters' business grew, so did the company leaders' ambitions. They credit digital business and communication tools from Microsoft with helping them to grow and scale their business. Now, they provide additional services like technical support and delivery service to coffee shops across the UK. Check out this video to see how Clifton Coffee Roasters upgraded their teamwork strategy to grow their business.

March 11, 2020

We All Knew Tech Would Make Work Better

By 2025, 75% of the workforce will be comprised of Millennials. What are you doing to modernize your workplace? Today, the answers are increasingly nuanced, characterized by a cycle of changes in the workplace. After a revolution in the workplace spurred by technology, companies are finding that a balanced approach may be the most effective. Explore this article to learn more.


Using Azure and Visual Studio Team Services for open-source development

If you want to integrate more modern engineering practices using open-source technologies, now is the time to act. Azure offers a significant cost savings and business value, allowing customers to achieve more on all their workloads. At Bay Area IT Solutions, Inc., we help support your open-source needs. Contact us today to speak with one of our dedicated professionals.

View: Using Azure and Visual Studio Team Services for open-source development

Top ways marketing can help sales succeed

How well do your sellers and marketers work together? Do your customers know they're working on the same team? Buyers don't distinguish between marketing and sales. They expect a consistent experience when they're working with a company--whoever they're working with. It's important to keep this in mind as you're thinking through internal processes and systems. With Dynamics 365, your marketing and sales teams share common data, a complete view of customers, and Office 365 collaboration tools. With integrated solutions in place, you can deliver a seamless customer experience. Check out this e-book, then contact us to learn how your sales and marketing teams can work better together.

View: Top ways marketing can help sales succeed

March 10, 2020

Microsoft Teams increases collaboration in the modern workplace at Microsoft

Ever wonder how Microsoft is consistently ranked in the top 20 best tech companies to work for? For one, they integrate the collaboration solutions they create, increasing employee effectiveness and morale. With Teams, their employees can get up to speed during morning coffee, connect across the company, and hold meetings from anywhere--facilitating a culture of collaboration. Check out the full story and contact us to learn how we can help you adopt the best collaboration solution on the market.

View: Microsoft Teams increases collaboration in the modern workplace at Microsoft

Getting Started with Red Hat on Azure

Do you use open-source solutions and products like Red Hat? If so, you need a cloud provider that works with your existing Red Hat subscription. The good news is, you can now use your Red Hat subscription on Azure. If you're interested in making the shift to the cloud, Bay Area IT Solutions, Inc. can help you integrate your Red Hat services seamlessly. Contact us today to learn more about our industry-recognized service offering.

View: Getting Started with Red Hat on Azure

Boost productivity and increase revenue

Today's businesses are overloading sellers with multiple sales tools that complicate an already involved sales process. Despite significant investments of time and money in implementing these processes, they don't actually help sellers do their jobs better. Check out this infographic to learn how Dynamics 365 can alleviate these pains and increase productivity with a single, intuitive system. Contact us today to find out how we can help you adopt the right sales tools for your business needs.

View: Boost productivity and increase revenue

Do more with Microsoft Teams

59% of workers are unsatisfied with meetings, and 57% feel meetings are unproductive. That's a lot of dissatisfied employees. If your team is feeling the effects of inefficient workplace solutions, consider modernizing. Take the first step in understanding where you can make improvements and contact the professionals at Bay Area IT Solutions, Inc.. We can help you identify inefficient processes that detract from employee productivity and adopt the right modern workplace solutions.

View: Do more with Microsoft Teams

Customer Story: Think Up Consulting Recap

With its global client base increasing, Think Up Consulting needed to improve its remote working capabilities. Its VPN-based system sometimes made it difficult for employees to remotely access files. And without a centralized platform, employees wasted time switching between disparate systems. But with Windows 10 and Office 365, Think Up created a unified solution, increased productivity and security, improved efficacy, and reduced costs. Think Up Consulting empowers its employees to achieve more together. We can help you increase your global client base. Contact us to learn more.

March 9, 2020

The Top 10 Reasons Why SMBs Should Invest in the Cloud

Cloud adoption is well underway but when it comes to making the move, Microsoft research shows that SMBs lag behind enterprise counterparts. In fact, 96% of enterprises are using the cloud, whereas only 78% of SMBs are following suit. As you know the cloud can be a game changer for businesses--big and small! This week's infographic demonstrates the ten most crucial benefits that SMBs report after investing in cloud solutions.

View: The Top 10 Reasons Why SMBs Should Invest in the Cloud

March 4, 2020

10 ways to learn more about open source software and trends

Do you know the impact of open source software on your company? In a recent survey, 59% of managers didn't seem to understand the role open source would play in the future of their enterprise. You could be missing out on valuable opportunities. At Bay Area IT Solutions, Inc., we have the experience to help you identify the right solutions for your open source needs. We can help you navigate today's ever-expanding options. Contact us to learn more.


4 Reasons Why Companies are Choosing CRM Over Traditional Marketing tools

Within this digital marketing environment, relationship marketing is the name of the game and customer relationship management (CRM) is the method. With its ability to break down silos and offer insights across multiple functions, CRM is helping companies provide a cohesive and well-coordinated experience to customers. Check out this article to learn more about the benefits of CRM.


How CIOs can promote diversity and inclusion

If you want a high performing team, it's in your best interest to have a diverse workforce. According to a McKinsey report, diversity in the workplace is directly tied to financial outperformance. But do you have the modern workplace you need to facilitate inclusion? Make sure you have the right digital tools to promote diversity. Talk to a professional at Bay Area IT Solutions, Inc., to learn more about the modern workplace solutions that will help your diverse workforce achieve more.


Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central: A comprehensive business management solution for SMBs

This capabilities guide provides valuable information regarding the key benefits and core capabilities of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central. It reinforces the impact of integrating with Office 365 and includes five insightful competencies. Leave behind a digital or printed copy with your customers or share on your favorite social media platforms.

View: Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central: A comprehensive business management solution for SMBs

March 3, 2020

Cost Savings and Business Benefits Enabled by Windows 10 Security Features

$1.1 million was saved by those using Windows 10 as a result of reduced productivity impact of malware infections. This Forrester Consulting study, commissioned by Microsoft, examines the Total Economic Impact™ of Windows 10 security features. Windows 10 provides a completely integrated solution, which impacts overall security and minimizes use of system resources. Check out the full study to learn more about Windows 10 features to better understand the benefits, costs, and risks associated with this investment with Bay Area IT Solutions, Inc..

View: Cost Savings and Business Benefits Enabled by Windows 10 Security Features

Customer story: Axon

At Axon, their mission is to protect life. They create tech that helps officers protect communities. With body cams producing petabytes of data every month, data storage starts to become an issue. That's why they modernized their IT infrastructure. At Bay Area IT Solutions, Inc., we can help you find the right solutions to fit your needs. With our team of professionals, we can help minimize downtime and incorporate the functionality you need fast. Contact us today to learn more.

Customer story: Mashreq Bank increases growth and market share through digital transformation

How does the oldest bank in the UAE stay relevant? According to Mashreq Bank, the secret is in their people and their culture of innovation. Modern tools like Dynamics 365 capture important customer data so sales reps can spend more time focused on their clients. Check out this video to learn more about how they are using technology to support their sales team.

Customer story: John's Crazy Socks shows the world what employees with disabilities can achieve

What color are your socks? John and his father, Mark, are trying to mix up your wardrobe and bring a smile to your face with bright, colorful, patterned socks. With a diverse staff of individuals with different abilities, John's Crazy Socks strives to show the world what is possible when you give people a chance. With a modern workplace solution, their team has the tools they need to grow their business and enable their workforce to achieve more.

Reduce costs with Windows and Office

70% of small and midsize businesses (SMBs) reinvest saved money into their business thanks to the cloud. Simplify the process of keeping devices up to date while saving time, reducing costs, and gaining control. Check out this infographic--which shows industry trends, pain points, and proof points--to learn why and how. And to find the right Windows 10 and Office 365 solution for your business to reduce costs, contact our team at Bay Area IT Solutions, Inc..

View: Reduce costs with Windows and Office

March 2, 2020

Reinvent Business Productivity with Microsoft Dynamics 365 and Microsoft Office 365

To get ahead of the competition, SMBs realize they need to break down silos, work from connected systems and make every customer engagement count. In this thought-provoking, easy-to-read eBook, discover how Business Central integrates with Office 365 to provide an all-in-one solution to drive success. Using three, day-in-the-life scenarios, visualize how Business Central brings insight and efficiency to daily routines. Specifically, this eBook illustrates the life of a business owner, a sales rep and an accountant, and shows how Dynamics 365 transformed their jobs.

View: Reinvent Business Productivity with Microsoft Dynamics 365 and Microsoft Office 365