April 29, 2020

Managing Remote Employees? Spot This Problem and Improve Productivity

While this article focuses on creating successful business relationships among teams that work remotely, at its core it's about how to drive meaningful communication among team members. Building and maintaining good relationships is the backbone of any successful company. When employees feel comfortable while engaging in constructive discourse and have personal rapport conducive to exchanging ideas and working toward a common goal, workplace productivity and profit feel the impact. Want to encourage your teams to do their best work? Check out this article for more on how you can help your customers foster better communication in their teams.


April 28, 2020

Cloud Migration Concerns Persist for Provider Organizations

This article explores the caution and hesitation in the healthcare industry to shift data and infrastructure off-premises. In a recent survey of hospital CIOs, close to 40% don't see a clear business value in migrating. Yet overhead accounts for 50% of hospital costs--costs that could be reduced through cloud migration. Chances are you could also benefit from lower overhead costs. At Bay Area IT Solutions, Inc., we have trained professionals with years of experience helping businesses just like yours. Contact us today to learn more.


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As you embrace the opportunities presented by cloud and mobile computing to connect with customers and optimize operations, you take on new risks. Subscribe now to stay informed on digital transformation challenges and how Bay Area IT Solutions, Inc. can help ensure security, privacy & compliance with Microsoft 365.

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Customer story: Medical Teams International (MTI) transforms health care for more than 1 million refugees in Uganda

Medical Teams International, a nonprofit provider of health care and humanitarian aid, partnered with Microsoft to transform medical care for more than 1 million South Sudanese refugees and Ugandan citizens. To streamline the process, they used apps and infrastructure in the cloud. MTI can now access data anywhere and get real-time analysis to help identify life-saving trends. At Bay Area IT Solutions, Inc., we can work with you to get the right infrastructure in place to help your business succeed. Contact us today to learn more.

Transform Endpoint Management and Security with Microsoft 365

Microsoft 365 unified endpoint management (UEM) is the most secure, flexible approach to managing Windows 10 and other mobile devices in your modern workplace. Combining the strengths of Microsoft Intune and System Center Configuration Manager, it is the simplest way to cloud-connect your existing management infrastructure and reduce overall complexity, empowering end user productivity and enhancing device security. Contact us to learn how you can keep your data and employees' mobile devices secure with Microsoft 365.

Opportunity Heats Up as Honeywell Connects with Homeowners

Honeywell has always been known for making "things." Thanks to the power of data and Dynamics 365, it now makes connected things -- leveraging the Internet of Things (IoT) to drive innovation and deliver more value to customers. "Honeywell has always made great products," says Scott Harkins, Vice President of Honeywell's IoT Partner Programs, Connected Homes. "Now we make great products that are connected. And this connectivity unlocks a whole new relationship with our consumers. For the first time, we're learning from massive numbers of consumers how they use our products and what's of interest to them. And we can inform them when we add new features." How can you harness the full power of data? With Dynamics 365, you can deliver predictive and proactive service that improve customer experiences and empower employees. Bay Area IT Solutions, Inc. can help. Contact us today to get started.


April 27, 2020

Customer Story: Clifton Coffee | Connect and Collaborate

Clifton Coffee Roasters (CCR) was the first specialty coffee roaster to adopt the Teamwork solutions from Microsoft platform, which means they're breaking new ground in communications methods for their industry. As the company expands, they depend on Teamwork solutions from Microsoft to manage their growth, drive innovation, and help their employees connect in the most meaningful and productive ways possible. Want to increase productivity and drive innovation in your business? Check out this video to see how CCR lead the way in communications innovation in their industry, and then contact us to learn more.

Lizo | Transformation in the oil & gas industry: data analysis and visualization

Data. There's a lot of it, and it's everywhere. Azure cloud services helps organizations manage all aspects of their volumes of data. Here is an example of how a company in the oil and gas industry could utilize Azure Cosmos DB for data acquisition and Power BI for rich analytics with real-time insights. Through partnering with Microsoft, a company like Lizo would be able to actualize their vision of next-generation data analysis and visualization. Watch this and look for additional Lizo videos to demonstrate the capabilities and power of Azure!

April 21, 2020

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With the advances in digital business applications, isn't it time to rethink how you integrate your applications into your IT infrastructure? From scale and agility to all-new capabilities, the cloud can help you move and grow quickly. We can help you take advantage of the cloud opportunity. To receive updates from Bay Area IT Solutions, Inc. and to learn more about Apps and Infrastructure, subscribe now!

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Six types of remote workers and how to support them

How can you improve and enable productivity across your team? This e-book outlines different types of remote workers and how you can best encourage their success, from addressing specific technical needs to making it easier for employees to work from anywhere, on any device.

View: Six types of remote workers and how to support them

Customer story: How migrating to Azure is modernizing JB Hunt

With more than 2,100 applications, trucking company JB Hunt needed to simplify their data operations onto one platform. They didn't want to restructure all their applications, so they found a platform that could seamlessly integrate with their existing apps. Azure made moving their on-premises infrastructure to the cloud easy. It gave them the ability to lift and shift to a modern platform. With the right help, you can do the same. Contact Bay Area IT Solutions, Inc. to learn how we can help.

Raising the Bar with End-to-End Security

With Microsoft, security can be simple once again. Microsoft 365 provides an intelligent security hub that works seamlessly across platforms, going far beyond Microsoft to Linux, Mac and others -- so you can manage mission-critical workloads with existing tools at your fingertips. Contact us to learn how Microsoft 365 helps keep your organization secure and productive.

thyssenkrupp transforms its home mobility solutions business with Microsoft HoloLens

With its customized stair lifts, thyssenkrupp has long helped people with physical limitations live comfortably and independently in their homes. Before Microsoft HoloLens, the process of selling, designing, building and installing lifts was time-consuming -- involving a laborious system of labels, cameras and manual data entry. With Microsoft HoloLens, thyssenkrupp has revolutionized its home mobility solutions with processes that are faster, easier and more helpful for customers. Watch this video to discover how.

April 20, 2020

Help customers work from almost anywhere, on any device, with Microsoft technology

More than 50% of employees report that mobile technology helps them achieve work-life balance by enhancing productivity. We know that you probably want to empower your employees to work remotely, but we also recognize that it can be a struggle to enable remote workers and enhance mobility within companies. Don't worry--we can help. With the latest communication technology from Microsoft, you can connect the tools and services that employees use every day in a single hub for easy access. You can also help increase productivity by integrating team chats and files, and you can even reduce your company's overhead by saving money on office space as employees are able to work remotely. Check out this infographic for industry trends, pain points, proof points, and more on why you should adopt a teamwork platform from Microsoft. And contact us to help you build it.

View: Help customers work from almost anywhere, on any device, with Microsoft technology

April 15, 2020

Why The Sales-Marketing Divide Is Disappearing

We've talked a lot about the importance of aligning marketing and sales. Shared data and goals lead to better lead generation and conversion, benefitting everyone. But we also understand that synchronizing these two departments is easier said than done. Using compatible tools like Dynamics 365 for both marketing and sales is a great first step. Check out this article for ideas on how to form a lasting relationship between these two essential functions. And contact us today to learn more.


April 14, 2020

Why companies who hire people with disabilities outperformed their peers

Upwards of 25% of the white-collar workforce have a disability but don't disclose it. Many are afraid of the repercussions of divulging such information. As an employer, it's your job to accommodate your employees and create a community of collaboration that will build teamwork and trust in your company. Ensuring you have a modern workplace can help your team build collaboration and unlock their full potential. Contact us to learn how we can help you find and implement the right solution today.


Want To Be A Remote Worker? Get These Digital Skills

How can digital skills enable your employees to work remotely? With the right communication tools and apps geared toward facilitating better teamwork, the benefits of working remotely can include increased productivity and reduced downtime, not to mention hitting that sweet spot in work-life balance. Does your team need help navigating communication tools and apps? Contact us to learn how we can help you create a connected digital workspace.


Customer story: Mikaila Ulmer me and the bees

Check out the sweetest story we've heard all day! Mikaila Ulmer opened a single lemonade stand, serving her great-grandmother's delicious lemonade and helping to save the bees at the same time. Over the years, her business has grown in popularity and size, and Mikaila has become an icon of young entrepreneurial spirit. Check out the whole story here, and contact us to learn how, with the right tools and applications in hand, anything is possible.

Customer story: Microsoft Super Bowl Commercial 2019: We All Win

When you're playing video games, you need the right tools to achieve success. That can be hard to do when you have specific needs. The game of life is no different. Having the right tools to connect your team and enable flexibility can transform the way you live and work. And modernizing your workplace can help your team collaborate and achieve more. Contact us today to learn how you can plan and adopt a winning modern workplace solution.

Customer Story: Clifton Coffee | Work From Anywhere

Clifton Coffee Roasters always had far-reaching ambitions. They needed to maximize efficiency in their company and create a better way for employees to communicate, no matter where they were individually located. With Teamwork solutions from Microsoft, their employees could work from virtually anywhere, on any device. With features like video conferencing and instant messaging, Microsoft Teamwork solutions help employees work more effectively. And with employees empowered to work remotely, Clifton Coffee Roasters created the digital office of its dreams.

April 7, 2020

The Ultimate Meeting Guide

How could your employees benefit if you improved your businesses everyday meetings? With meeting best practices, you can improve your company's bottom line and value your employees' time. Sounds good, right? Check out this eBook for more information on how to achieve simple, direct meetings focused on clear action items. Want to improve your employees communication in all aspects across your business? Contact our team to learn how we can help level up your communication game.

View: The Ultimate Meeting Guide

Help customers work together with Microsoft technology

The landscape of teamwork is changing. Did you know that 83% of employees depend on technology to work together? We know many businesses struggle with disjointed file sharing and dispersed resources. If it sounds like we're describing your company, don't worry--we can help. Now you can take the hassle out of workplace communication with Teamwork solutions from Microsoft. With an integrated Teamwork solution, your employees can bring their teams and resources together, connect with users outside the company, and even work remotely. What are you waiting for? Check out this infographic for more on how your company can benefit from a comprehensive teamwork solution.

View: Help customers work together with Microsoft technology