July 29, 2020

Empowered By Technology, Wealth Managers Will Take Personalization To The Next Level

Technologies like machine learning that make sense of data and patterns are essential. So are the incisive analytics that can result from its use.


Building relationships in today's sales environment

The relationship between buyers and sellers grows more complex daily. Buyers have more information available to them than ever before and they use it to their advantage. TOPO research finds that most buyers are already 57 percent through the buying process before even talking to a supplier. Yet when the time is right, buyers do still want personal attention from sellers. They are typically motivated to engage with sales reps only when it adds value to them. As a result, the sellers' job is complicated as they must provide useful interactions and seamless transactions. So how can they accomplish this? In this powerful eBook, customers learn how the Microsoft Relationship Sales solution is a combination of three tools that provide sales teams with access to critical data points from disparate platforms in one central location. The sales solution uses AI to analyze data from sales, Office 365, LinkedIn, and information gleaned from a CRM to provide a single relationship health score. What's uniquely powerful about the solution is the unification of data available at seller's fingertips. Use this eBook as an educational tool for customers to gain a strong understanding of why the Microsoft Relationship Sales solution is a superior choice over other applications.

View: Building relationships in today's sales environment

The Importance of Teamwork and Collaboration

We live in a world of constant disruption where business models are undergoing constant change. This article explores the impact of these trends on collaboration and teamwork and the most important skills for the 2020 workplace.


Integrating your enterprise resource planning system with customer relationship management

A priority of many businesses is integrating ERP software with their Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system. Read this article to discover the timesaving and data-related benefits these connections provide.


July 28, 2020

Protect your business: Recognize the top three security threats, plus one you may not know about

This report gives detailed information on how to safeguard your customers' data from viruses, phishing, and ransomware, plus a common security threat you may have overlooked. The global average cost of a cyberattack is $3.6 million. But awareness is the first step in security and prevention. Check out this e-book and contact our team to learn more about how to defend your company against cyberattacks.

View: Protect your business: Recognize the top three security threats, plus one you may not know about

Map to Your Customers' Sales Expectations

Check out this infographic to see how Dynamics 365 for Sales integrates with LinkedIn and familiar Office 365 applications like Outlook to make it easy for you to navigate common sales challenges and deliver delightful customer experiences.

View: Map to Your Customers' Sales Expectations

A Day in the Life - Compliance

Meet Diego, a Compliance Officer who works closely with his company's IT team to ensure employees abide by internal policies and regulations set by regulatory bodies. Check out this infographic to see how Diego uses productivity and collaboration tools in Teams across his devices throughout the day to review, define, enforce and report on compliance policies to prevent unethical, illegal, improper and under-use of resources.

View: A Day in the Life - Compliance

Prevent data leaks

The global average cost of a data breach is $3.6 million. Is your company prepared to deal with the aftermath of a cyberattack? Many businesses struggle with preventive measures that block the sharing of sensitive information or prevent unauthorized users from viewing sensitive documents. It's no wonder that protecting against data leaks is a daunting task. With the rich security features available in Microsoft 365 Business, you can easily protect your company's sensitive data. Check out this infographic for a quick overview of industry trends, business pains, proof points, and more on how you can prevent data leaks.

View: Prevent data leaks

Improve Sales Productivity and Remote Selling with Sales Accelerator

As if managing the sales cycle wasn't already complex, the limitations of a world restricted by COVID-19 makes it all that more challenging! The truth is, the fundamentals and responsibilities of selling largely remain the same, and sales teams are expected to reach their goals to keep the business intact. Therefore, your customers are likely wondering, just how can I continue to meet my sales goals? The answer to this is that virtual engagement and digital sales must become a priority. The companies that quickly learn to leverage their digital arsenal will come out on top. In this insightful blog, customers learn how Microsoft too, faced this challenge head-on and the steps they've taken to adapt. Thanks to a full-fledged deployment of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Sales and Microsoft Dynamics 365 Sales Insights, Microsoft Digital Sales were able to scale to demand and continue supporting customers without disruptions. Learn more about these tools and how equipping teams with the power to leverage data and digital tools will drive improved customer experiences—now and into the future.


July 23, 2020

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Moving your data to the cloud can help you improve security, more easily meet compliance requirements, reduce costs, maximize ROI and enable real-time insights. Microsoft Azure enables you to make the move with rapid replication of your virtual machines and no downtime or interruption. Subscribe now and contact us to learn how Bay Area IT Solutions, Inc. can help.

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Open up a new line of communication. Subscribe now.

Teamwork is more important than ever for today's businesses--and Microsoft Teams makes it easier than ever for your business to begin realizing the promise of a digital workspace. Subscribe now to stay informed on how Teams, as the hub in Office 365, can elevate and transform communication, collaboration, and teamwork throughout your entire organization.

View: Open up a new line of communication. Subscribe now.

July 22, 2020

Close the deal today. Subscribe now.

Today's sales professionals are stretched thin. They're on double the teams as only a few years ago, sales cycles are longer and more complex, and they're more mobile than ever before. Subscribe now to stay informed on how Microsoft Dynamics 365 is enabling modern sales pros to close more deals and increase productivity with tools and capabilities that help streamline sales processes, improve collaboration, and intelligently guide them toward optimal outcomes.

View: Close the deal today. Subscribe now.

The value of moving to Azure

Considering modernizing and moving your business to the cloud? You're not alone. You're also not the one thinking about security and compliance. Microsoft Azure has advanced security features and more compliance certifications than any other public cloud provider. Full back up and recovery to the cloud and built-in security features across on-premises and cloud deployments. Single sign on (SSO) for each employee, extending local user identities and permissions to the cloud. For the best in security and compliance, Microsoft Azure sits alone.

View: The value of moving to Azure

Security Is Not Privacy

Do you know the difference between security and privacy? Although these terms are often used interchangeably, they are quite different. And both are crucial to business longevity. Check out this thought leadership article to help you get started.


Why Microsoft Services for Modernization

Ready to move your applications to a modern cloud? The Modernization Solution from Microsoft Services provides a thorough approach to move applications, data and infrastructure to an enterprise-ready cloud. While migration requires commitment, Microsoft Services provides unparalleled guidance and support during the entire process.

View: Why Microsoft Services for Modernization

Modernize sales productivity

Are you exhausted at the end of your workday, trying to sort through of all of the information being thrown at you? In our modern age of distraction, there's no question that focusing on what's most important can be a challenge! There are so many systems to sort through and often expectations are unclear. If this sounds familiar, you're not alone. According to TOPO, 60 percent of companies lack a well-defined sales process. In this week's video, you'll learn how Dynamics 365 Sales Professional is a single, integrated platform that cuts through the complexity and gives you the power to focus on what's most important. Contextual, real-time dashboards show you which metrics to focus on, which puts you firmly in the driver's seat. Now you can take informed and specific action toward your business's goals and eliminate the guesswork once and for all!

July 21, 2020

How migrating to Azure is modernizing JB Hunt

JB Hunt is reinventing its enterprise by migrating to the Azure cloud, which is helping the company manage 18 billion integration points and 8 billion transactions over the next 3-5 years. They are moving over 2100 applications to one platform. "This isn't a cookie cutter approach," Vana Matte, Senior VP of Technology says. Microsoft Azure can help you disrupt your industry by modernizing, lifting and shifting your data to the cloud - and we can help you turn your vision of the cloud into a reality.

A new generation of communication tools for a new generation of Alcoa workers

At the Alcoa plant in the distant coastal town of Fjardaal, Iceland, employees relied on a magnetic board to assign and trade shifts, while standard email was used to communicate critical information from one shift to the next--both of which required people to be physically present to retrieve messages or confirm changes in shift assignments. The adoption of Microsoft Teams transformed these otherwise manual tasks into a workflow better suited to a new generation of digitally savvy Alcoa employees who all carry smartphones. With Teams, company-wide announcements are now made with the confidence that everyone will see them via their devices, regardless of location, while operational information is quickly disseminated and passed along from one shift to the next to improve processes, safety, and efficiency. Watch the video to see how Teams is delivering the future of communication to a new generation of Alcoa plant personnel.

Modernize and empower sales teams with Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Sales Professionals

On average, sellers work with 6.8 stakeholders and 16 colleagues per deal, which makes sales cycles very long and extremely complex. To further complicate matters, today's sellers are on twice as many teams as they were a few years ago. Clearly, legacy methods of storing and accessing customer information, tracking the status of deals in progress, collaborating with mobile colleagues, and maintaining a "big picture" view of every moving part are not sufficient for today's on-the-go sales professionals. That's where Microsoft Dynamics 365 provides a competitive advantage. Watch this short video to learn how Dynamics 365 can help modernize seller productivity with a simpler, more streamlined way to build sales momentum, close more deals, and boost productivity.

Customer story: Presentation Studio

Sydney-based company Presentation Studio specializes in writing and designing sleek, professional presentations across the Asia-Pacific region. As the company expanded in proportion to the demand for its product, company leaders at Presentation Studio knew they needed to upgrade to a secure, cloud-based platform, so they partnered with Microsoft 365. They are using productivity and collaboration tools that allow employees to work remotely and work together across a multitude of apps and devices, plus enterprise-grade security features keep sensitive data safe from cyberattacks.

Customer Story: SitePro Part 2

SitePro is a software company with a mission to enable the digital oil field. In this video, discover how Microsoft Azure helps SitePro harness the power of data to drive transformation for its oil and gas company customers.


Customer Story: SitePro Part 2

SitePro is a software company with a mission to enable the digital oil field. In this video, discover how Microsoft Azure helps SitePro harness the power of data to drive transformation for its oil and gas company customers.


July 15, 2020

Change Management Needs Change Management

In this article, Rephael Sweary suggests that companies must combat competing technological giants "by hyperactivating their capability to react to digital change. [This can be] an especially tall ask for organizations rooted in a long history of pre-digital operations." This pattern transcends industry verticals. Where are you in your digital transformation?


July 14, 2020

The state of security for small and mid-size businesses

Investing in a cybersecurity program is no longer optional, no matter the size of your business. #Microsoft recommends that all businesses be prepared to contend with a security threat, regardless of the size or scope of the company. Check out this infographic to learn more about how you can provide comprehensive security solutions for your company. Contact our team at Bay Area IT Solutions, Inc. to learn more.

View: The state of security for small and mid-size businesses

Move and Modernize your Microsoft workloads with Azure

Don't let the cost of moving, planning for migration, support and cloud transformation overwhelm you! We're here to help. Here's a quick overview on the process of modernizing your workload with Azure. Contact us to learn more.

View: Move and Modernize your Microsoft workloads with Azure

Move and Modernize your Microsoft workloads with Azure

Don't let the cost of moving, planning for migration, support and cloud transformation overwhelm you! We're here to help. Here's a quick overview on the process of modernizing your workload with Azure. Contact us to learn more.

View: Move and Modernize your Microsoft workloads with Azure

Driving digital transformation with Microsoft Dynamics 365 to create an integrated, growth-enabling workplace

After growing into one of the largest hotel chains in the U.S., the Red Lion Hotel Corporation (RLH) faced the challenge of combining its internal siloed legacy platforms into a unified system that enabled data-driven decision making. Leveraging the robust capabilities of Microsoft Dynamics 365, RLH obtained accurate performance data analysis, created a more efficient and productive workplace environment, and gained a revenue-increasing ecosystem that fosters integration and scalability. Watch the video to learn more about their success story, then contact Bay Area IT Solutions, Inc. to learn how we can help your organization create its own success story.

Taking internal communication to the next level with Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams has transformed internal communications for today's businesses, delivering features that allow companies to customize workspaces, connect team members together, provide single-point access to assets, integrate third-party solutions, and more. In this video, you'll see how advanced communications tools and the integration of disparate CRM tools into Microsoft Teams enabled Red Lion Hotels (RLH) to up its hospitality game.

Safeguard company data across apps and devices with Microsoft 365

Safeguard company data across apps and devices with Microsoft 365

View: Safeguard company data across apps and devices with Microsoft 365

July 8, 2020

Dynamics 365 & Office 365 Working as One

Imagine your business has a new sales opportunity. Different teams need to work together to build a presentation to capitalize on the opportunity. If your business applications work in silos, it's up to individual employees to compare and consolidate feedback. Additionally, it can be very difficult to ensure everyone is working in the most up-to-date version. Imagine how collaboration workspaces can totally change the game. Without leaving a workspace, your team members can access connected data and insights to create the presentation. They can easily bring together relevant customer or financial information. And, there are never any issues with version control. Microsoft Dynamics 365 and Office 365 work together to make collaboration and sales processes painless and seamless. In this eBook, customers learn how Microsoft Dynamics 365 works with Office 365 to unite people and processes. Learn from practical examples how to streamline sales processes, capitalize on digital selling and deliver an exceptional customer experience.

View: Dynamics 365 & Office 365 Working as One

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High-profile companies such as Uber, Netflix, Facebook were either born in the cloud or have adopted the cloud to drive business growth. These companies move faster, deliver more value and meet our ever-changing needs more effectively than those constrained by rigid policies and processes. Subscribe today to discover how Microsoft can support your business. #SQL #Cloud

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How Confident Is Your Business In Recovering From A Breach?

Did you know that 90% of small businesses ignore data protection? Does this shock you as much as it shocks us? But implementing a proper security system is easier than you think. Check out this article to learn more about how you can build a strong defense against cyberattacks. And contact our team to help you level up your cyberattack defense.


Rolls-Royce and new digital capabilities

With over 13,000 commercial aircraft engines in operation around the globe, Rolls Royce offers comprehensive maintenance services to keep them at peak performance. The company uses the Microsoft Azure platform to manage its massive volume of data coming from multiple types of equipment—all to ensure safety and efficiency for its customers. Watch this video for insight on what Rolls-Royce achieved with a Microsoft solution for field service.

July 7, 2020

What's The Future Of Your Technology Capabilities?

Though the coronavirus situation forced a remote work model for many businesses, some have realized that it might be more ideal than returning to the traditional go-to-work model. Why? Cloud technology. In his article, "What's the Future of Your Technology Capabilities?" Gilles Muys writes that the cloud has proven it's here to stay, due to withstanding various vulnerabilities. He adds that another reason the cloud is long-term is "its ability to stand alone from being infrastructure-dependent makes it cost-effective." He points out that now is the time to transition to cost-saving technology because all signs point to increase cloud use and associated benefits. Have questions about Azure cloud migration? Contact us—we'd like to help.


How Airbus is transforming aerospace with Microsoft Azure Stack

Discover how Airbus took its Defense and Space program on a digital transformation journey to fine-tune the design, build and operation of complex products. Learn why Microsoft Azure Stack is critical to program success--not only for the ways it optimizes new digital technologies, but also for how it drives a significant change management process across the organization. By leveraging the hybrid cloud to enable transformative services from IoT to machine learning and big data, Azure Stack helps Airbus create applications quickly without having to focus on the underlying layers of the cloud platform stack.

Simplify your compliance journey with Microsoft 365

We live in a time where digital technology is profoundly impacting our lives, from the way we connect with each other to how we interpret our world. To thrive in this privacy-focused era, you need a trusted partner who can help you not only overcome the challenges but make the most of the opportunities that lie ahead. The Microsoft Cloud and Microsoft 365 are uniquely positioned to help you meet your compliance obligations. It offers a rich set of integrated solutions that leverage AI to help you assess and manage compliance risk, protect sensitive and business-critical data and respond efficiently to data discovery requests.

Customer story: Landgren

Swedish real estate company Landgren has made a name for itself by being ahead of the technological curve and prioritizing innovation. So far, Landgren has capitalized on standing out from the crowd, but here's the catch: The company has no IT department. Using security solutions from Microsoft 365 allows Landgren to comply with strict European data privacy standards, ensuring that the company is protected against data loss and cyberattacks.

Azure Migration Program Customer

The buzz is constant: What are the pros and cons of migrating my business to the cloud? What will it cost? How do I join the Azure Migration Program (AMP)? It's a big jump to get to the cloud, but once you take it we are confident you will not regret it. We offer step-by-step guidance, including foundational and role-specific courses to help ensure your migration readiness. Have a look at this informational one-pager that shows how you will benefit from the AMP and answers many of your questions. There's even a "Next steps" link when you're ready for it.

View: Azure Migration Program Customer

July 1, 2020

4 Keys to Satisfying 21st Century Customers

American Express data shows that nearly 60 percent of customers try a new brand or a company just to find better customer service. In fact, 89 percent of customers often swap to a company's direct competitor after bad service. These findings easily transport customer service from the category of business afterthought to the category of business priority. Read this article to discover four tips to building customer loyalty, and contact Bay Area IT Solutions, Inc. to learn how Microsoft solutions like Dynamics 365 for Field Service can support your efforts.


Compliance Is The New Normal -- It's Time To Lock Down The Data

The recent anniversary of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)'s implementation commemorated the first full year that businesses dealing with EU resident data have spent operating in this new regulatory environment. This article from Forbes highlights the broadening recognition and acceptance that privacy regulations aren't going away, and presents data showing that accelerating privacy regulation is a top concern of executives in 2019. It makes a case for using GDPR as a catalyst to establish broader data protection strategies and adopt technology that has a meaningful impact on data security.


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Businesses are amassing enormous amounts of data, more than they know what to do with. Most are just using it to put together dense periodic reports explaining "what" happened too long after the fact to be of much use. Modernizing your digital workplace by moving to Azure and utilizing its AI technology can help you get a handle on your data and graduate from "what" happened to "how" it happened and, finally, to what "will" happen to inform what you should do all within a relevant period of time.

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Risk by the numbers: 15 cybersecurity stats that matter most to your business

77% of businesses report that they would benefit from knowing more about cybersecurity best practices. Check out these cybersecurity stats from Microsoft for more. And contact us to determine the best course of action to protect your business and your customers' sensitive data.

View: Risk by the numbers: 15 cybersecurity stats that matter most to your business