September 30, 2020

Bulk up your business. Subscribe now.

While there are multiple ways to distinguish yourself from your competitors, one sure way to set yourself apart is to create and deliver personalized experiences to both existing and prospective customers, tailored to their unique needs and preferences. One sure way to accomplish this is with Dynamics 365. Subscribe today, and stay informed on how Dynamics 365, along with other leading Microsoft solutions, can help elevate and transform your engagements with both current and future customers.

View: Bulk up your business. Subscribe now.

Never miss a post—never miss an opportunity. Subscribe today.

For team members to work in concert together, they need a set of tools designed to work in concert together. Office 365, with Microsoft Teams at the center, enables real-time communication and collaboration among team members, whether they're located across the hall or across the world. And with business intelligence solutions like Microsoft Power BI hosted in Azure, data can be shared and analyzed across the entire enterprise to uncover insights that can help improve the business as a whole. Subscribe now to stay informed on how Teams, Office 365, and other leading Microsoft solutions can help elevate and transform communication, collaboration, and teamwork throughout your organization.

View: Never miss a post—never miss an opportunity. Subscribe today.

Social Asset B: Curate an end-to-end digital buying experience with AI-generated customer insights

Learn how to curate an end-to-end digital buying experience with AI insights. Subscribe now!

View: Social Asset B: Curate an end-to-end digital buying experience with AI-generated customer insights

Empower your business with Power BI! Subscribe now and never miss a post.

Business data is multiplying exponentially. To put this data to work for your business and gain a competitive advantage, you need an end-to-end analytics solution that's not only fast, secure, and easy to use, but more important, also places this data at the fingertips of everyone in your organization, enabling anyone to transform business data into actionable insights. Microsoft Power BI and Azure offer an unbeatable combination for analytics that enables your business to maximize the potential of its data by performing real-time analytics, visualizing the results, and leveraging insights to improve business processes, increase productivity, and ultimately gain a more competitive footing. Subscribe now to learn how Power BI and Azure, and other Microsoft solutions, can help your business excel.

View: Empower your business with Power BI! Subscribe now and never miss a post.

September 29, 2020

Just move it to the cloud

This blog outlines the different methods of data migration and use cases. Your method of migrating data to the cloud will depend on many factors. Migrating large amounts of data can be done with any of the methods explained in the blog, including Azure Data Box, File Shares, Site Recovery service, and more.


Japanese waitress and self-taught Power BI and Azure developer digitally transforms her restaurant--and the industry

For Akiyoshi Shinobu, a waitress at Ebiya restaurant in Ise, Japan, creating superb dining experience for customers and a great place to work for colleagues has always been a passion. To accomplish both, she enrolled in a nearby computer school, and on her own time, taught herself Microsoft Power BI and Azure, and also became proficient in machine learning and A.I. Her immediate goal was to visualize the data generated by customer visits in order to improve the dining experience, deliver better service, and reduce food waste by the restaurant. Today, the applications that she developed for Ebiya have been so effective, and become so well respected, that other restaurants and larger enterprises in the food service industry are calling upon Akiyoshi to help solve their problems. Watch the video to learn more about her incredible story.

24 Hour Fitness personalizes member services using Dynamics 365

Just as every person's fitness goals are different, so too are the individual paths to achieving those goals. But when it comes to creating customized experiences for its 4+ million members across the U.S., 24 Hour Fitness realized there was only one sure path to success: Microsoft Dynamics 365. In the crowded wellness industry, 24 Hour Fitness distinguishes itself through both its innovative approach to fitness and its personalized approach to member service. Today, the company is applying data analytics to member marketing by connecting Dynamics 365 with Adobe Experience Cloud hosted on Microsoft Azure to personalize marketing messages to millions of members at its 400+ health clubs. Watch this video to see how 24 Hour Fitness is connecting marketing and sales data to reach people in exciting new ways, attract record numbers of members, and ultimately help more people attain their fitness goals.

AEG delivers unforgettable entertainment experiences to fans using Microsoft technologies

Why would a sports fan or music fan choose to attend a live event rather than watch the game from home or listen to their favorite band on headphones? For AEG, a global entertainment company that owns and operates 100+ facilities across four continents as well as produces concerts, festival, and special events, the answer is simple: it's the experience. More to the point, it's the whole experience—not just the event itself, but also everything else surrounding it, from ticket purchases and event access to the pomp and circumstance during the event, all for the express purpose of delivering a more visceral and unforgettable experience for fans. To achieve all of these things—as well as simplify the business side of producing and hosting a larger-than-life event—AEG relies on Office 365, Microsoft Teams, Power BI, and Azure cloud to analyze and share massive amounts of data across its diverse business units, and utilizes Surface devices and the new Surface Hub to enable employees to meaningfully interact with this data. Watch this lively video to see how Microsoft technology is helping AEG not only deliver singular experiences to fans, but also redefine the business of entertainment in the digital age.

Solution overview video

This video highlights the many ways Microsoft Teams can help your business inspire collaboration, reduce costs and risks, and deepen engagement.

September 28, 2020

Grant Thornton closes new opportunities faster with Dynamics 365 Sales Insights and AI

To best serve its clients, Grant Thornton must tie its extensive knowledge of macro-level economic and industry trends to the micro-level business needs, motivations, and challenges faced by individual executives within its client base. The global accounting and consulting firm does this by using Microsoft Dynamics 365 Sales, Microsoft Azure, and LinkedIn Sales Navigator to "connect the macro with the micro" and deliver that information quickly and accurately to geographically distributed team members. They also use Dynamics 365 Sales Insights to understand the health of client relationships and where new opportunities may lie, take actions based on those insights, close new opportunities faster, and win more deals.

September 24, 2020

Social Asset 7: Subscribe

Stay connected with Microsoft Teams. Subscribe now!

View: Social Asset 7: Subscribe

Up-to-Date infographic

Azure SQL databases are always up-to-date. When you migrate SQL Server databases to the Azure cloud, you can adopt Azure SQL Database managed instance for evergreen SQL that never needs to be patched or upgraded along. At the same time, you gain end-to-end SQL Server Engine compatibility for migration without code changes.

View: Up-to-Date infographic

Selling successful process

Today, success is about quality over quantity, replacing the days of cold calling and cut-and-pasting of boilerplate email copy. This infographic provides 3 key themes to each part of a successful sales process.

View: Selling successful process

September 23, 2020

Microsoft a Leader in The Forrester Wave™: Enterprise BI Platforms

In a crowded field of BI solutions providers, how can customers reliably identify an industry leader? By what criteria should they make such a judgment? In this Power BI blog entry, we address both questions by citing and linking to The Forrester Wave report for Q3 2019 that recognizes Microsoft as a leader in enterprise BI platforms, where we receive the highest score in the two categories of strategy and market presence. From the blog, customers can download the full Forrester report and see how Microsoft Power BI stacks up against competing solutions, as well as explore the differentiated features in the current enterprise BI market.


Follow these 8 CRM implementation best practices

When it comes to choosing a customer relationship management (CRM) system for your business, your options have never been more abundant. Established vendors are releasing new features and functionality at an impressive pace, while new vendors are entering the market just as quickly. Solutions range from systems designed for large enterprises and SMBs to decentralized mobile workforces, and everything in between. All of this choice is giving rise to two very important questions: how to you determine which CRM solution is right for your business, and more important, how do you get business users to make the most out of the system—and out of your investment? In her article for CIO magazine entitled "8 CRM implementation best practices," author Jennifer Lonoff Schiff addresses those questions and CRM in general, distilling feedback from CRM vendors, users, and experts into eight suggestions for maximizing the effectiveness of a customer relationship management system. Read the full article to learn what these experts and industry insiders had to say.


How Online Collaboration Tools Could Help Your Business

It's no secret that teamwork is one of the key ingredients to a successful business. But in today's interconnected, wireless world, teams don't necessarily need to be in the same location to make teamwork work—that is, as long as each team member is equipped with the right tools for collaborating and communicating on a project. So how do you determine which tools are right for your organization and teams, and what should you look for when evaluating prospective solutions? Read this Lifewire article, "The Benefits of Online Collaboration Tools," to see what author Gabriela Warren feels are the greatest benefits of adopting such tools and, by extension, what features you should look for when shopping around.


Collaborate with Microsoft Teams

This infographic lists the many ways you can use Microsoft Teams to drive workplace collaboration. It also provides statistics on the success and popularity of Microsoft Teams.

View: Collaborate with Microsoft Teams

Social Asset B: Reduce up to 80% in administration costs by offloading server/storage infrastructures

When you offload server/storage infrastructures to Azure, you can reduce up to 80% in administration costs.

View: Social Asset B: Reduce up to 80% in administration costs by offloading server/storage infrastructures

September 22, 2020

Bringing remote patient care to remote patients with Microsoft Power BI and Azure

How do you deliver expert healthcare to the most remote towns and villages in South Africa, to the people who need it most? Dr. Raymond Campbell, founder of Phulukisa (which means "to heal" in the local language), turned to Microsoft for the answer. His solution: a cloud-enabled backpack that field doctors can take into remote areas across South Africa and use to screen patients for common diseases such as tuberculosis, HIV, diabetes, and heart disease. The data is then collected and uploaded to MySQL database in Azure, and the results are pushed back into Microsoft Power BI and delivered to doctors on the ground--all within a matter of minutes. Presented by Satya Nadella at the 2019 Inspire event, this short video illustrates how Microsoft solutions are enabling ordinary people with a vision to accomplish extraordinary things--and help save lives in the process.

8 best practices for a successful CRM implementation

If customers are the lifeblood of business, then customer relationship management (CRM) is the daily checkup to ensure that the heart is still pumping steadily and that the entire body is in good health. Metaphors aside, CRM describes the processes, tools, and activities that companies employ to understand their customers and respond rapidly to their ever-changing needs and preferences. Given the importance and widespread use of CRM across today's businesses, it would be natural to assume that CRM implementation is a fairly straightforward and routinely successful process—but rarely is this the case. This raises the question as to why—and more important, as to what your company can do to ensure that your CRM efforts pay off. In this infographic, we address those questions by distilling input from vendors, users, and experts into eight best practices that your company can follow to help deliver a successful (and ultimately, fruitful) CRM implementation.

View: 8 best practices for a successful CRM implementation

Spend a day in the life with physician Dr. Thomas

Dr. Thomas is an oncologist whose day is divided among seeing patients, reviewing charts and x-rays, meeting with colleagues remotely and in-person, and improving patient services at his practice. With so many tasks to do and only a finite number of hours during the day, Dr. Thomas relies heavily on Microsoft Teams to prepare for upcoming appointments, review confidential patient information, and follow up with nurses and radiologists on test results. He also utilizes Power BI dashboards to visualize and address trends in his practice, like patient wait times and quality of care issues. View the infographic for a play-by-play account of Dr. Thomas' day, and how Teams and tools like Power BI enable him to more effectively focus on patient care.

View: Spend a day in the life with physician Dr. Thomas

CWPS uses Microsoft Teams to reimagine sales project workflows

How can your organization benefit from Microsoft Teams? Learn from Frank Lusko, the EVP of Sales and Marketing at CWPS, to hear how his sales team has benefited from this collaboration tool through features such as notification alerts and planner scheduling.

Financial tech company gains SQL Server performance and scalability on Linux

The dv01 financial reporting and analytics platform offers institutional investors transparency and insight into consumer lending markets. Based initially on PostgreSQL and Redshift data warehouse, the dv01 applications began to run slower as complexity increased. After exploring multiple solutions, dv01 eventually moved to Microsoft SQL Server 2016 running on Azure Virtual Machines. This move provided the scalability it needed to handle rapid growth, reduce query response time from 30 seconds to 1-2 seconds, and cut management time by 90 percent.

September 21, 2020

Romanian healthcare provider improves customer experience and business operations with Microsoft

Regina Maria is a leading provider of healthcare services in Romania. Microsoft equips them with technology to optimize business processes and maintain a high level of patient care. Microsoft Teams unifies their communication applications into a single system, allowing them to reduce the approval process time and increase speed and rate of response to customer feedback. With Microsoft tools, Regina Maria's database is 20% more accurate and complaint management is 50% faster.

September 17, 2020

Never miss an opportunity by never missing a post. Subscribe now!

From communicating and collaborating with others to simply getting day-to-day tasks completed on your own, there's no greater tool for productivity than Microsoft Teams. And with Teams as the hub for communication within Office 365, your organization can move closer to realizing the promise of the digital workplace. Subscribe now to stay informed on how Teams, Office 365, and other leading Microsoft solutions can help elevate and transform communication, collaboration, and teamwork throughout your organization.

View: Never miss an opportunity by never missing a post. Subscribe now!

Spend a day in the life with retail store manager Alex

Alex is a retail store manager whose day is divided among attending meetings, reviewing store performance metrics, coordinating product refreshes, preparing presentations, and interviewing prospective employees. With so many tasks to do and only a finite number of hours in the day, Alex relies heavily on Microsoft Teams to get everything done--from recruiting and training staff to collaborating with vendors and developing marketing campaigns. View the infographic for a play-by-play account of Alex's day and how Teams enables him to get things done quickly and efficiently.

View: Spend a day in the life with retail store manager Alex

Protect the Privacy of Your Microsoft Teams Meetings

With the increased usage of Microsoft Teams to conduct virtual meetings, the need for tactical best practices to protect your privacy from intruders is also on the rise. This thought leadership article explores how to protect the privacy of your Microsoft Teams Meetings with easy ways to mitigate the risk of such problems by updating your settings.


Secure Infographic

Companies choose Azure for Windows Server and SQL Server because of its unmatched security. Azure delivers multiple layers of security, including the secure foundation of physical datacenters, operational best practices, and engineering processes that follow industry-standard guidelines.

View: Secure Infographic

September 16, 2020

Social Asset A: Strengthen customer relationships with a unified customer data profile and predictive insights

Subscribe now

View: Social Asset A: Strengthen customer relationships with a unified customer data profile and predictive insights

Expand your experiences. Subscribe now.

Are your customers on a true path to purchase--or are they just ambling along without direction? Subscribe today, and stay informed on how Microsoft Dynamics 365 can help elevate and transform your customers' journey by creating consistent, personalized experiences along the entire purchase path.

View: Expand your experiences. Subscribe now.

Expand your experiences. Subscribe now.

Are your customers on a true path to purchase--or are they just ambling along without direction? Subscribe today, and stay informed on how Microsoft Dynamics 365 can help elevate and transform your customers' journey by creating consistent, personalized experiences along the entire purchase path.

View: Expand your experiences. Subscribe now.

Data-Minded Or Data-Blinded?

Collaboration and networks are about people not data. In this Forbes article, the CEO of, a worldwide network of AI and Machine Learning experts, explores opportunities and concerns around the use of network data analysis to transform organizations.


Create and use private channels in Microsoft Teams

With Microsoft Teams private channels, you can have focused, private conversations with specific people on your team. This Microsoft Teams tutorial video will show you how to create private channels as you're working remotely.

Windows and SQL Server: The Best of Azure

Windows Server and SQL Server are best on Azure. This flyer highlights Azure's unmatched intelligent security, seamless hybrid capabilities, unparalleled innovation capabilities, and unique cost savings options.

View: Windows and SQL Server: The Best of Azure

September 15, 2020

SQL Server 2017

SQL Server 2017 is now available on Linux and Docker! This infographic provides an overview of the SQL Server 2017 features that drive industry-leading performance and security. Check it out for an at-a-glance look at the benefits to your business.

View: SQL Server 2017

Travel Counsellors Upgrade from On-Premise CRM to Microsoft Dynamics 365

Travel Counsellors Ltd. is an independent travel company headquartered in Manchester, England with more than 1,800 travel counselors operating in seven countries around the world. One of the company's most important strategies for growth is to recruit more travel counselors globally--but to maximize this strategy, the company needed to move from on-premises Microsoft Dynamics to cloud-based Dynamics 365, an implementation spearheaded by Microsoft partner Alithya. But rather than sit on the sidelines while Alithya did all the work, Travel Counsellors tapped into Alithya's unique methodology to empower a team internally to run the project, and relied on Alithya's oversight, expertise, and experience to ensure that its internal team was doing things according to best practices to make the implementation as smooth as possible. Watch the video to see how this innovative approach to deploying Dynamics 365 helped Travel Counsellors achieve its strategic goals while learning CRM implementation from an inside, hands-on perspective.

Travel Counsellors Upgrade from On-Premise CRM to Microsoft Dynamics 365

Travel Counsellors Ltd. is an independent travel company headquartered in Manchester, England with more than 1,800 travel counselors operating in seven countries around the world. One of the company's most important strategies for growth is to recruit more travel counselors globally--but to maximize this strategy, the company needed to move from on-premises Microsoft Dynamics to cloud-based Dynamics 365, an implementation spearheaded by Microsoft partner Alithya. But rather than sit on the sidelines while Alithya did all the work, Travel Counsellors tapped into Alithya's unique methodology to empower a team internally to run the project, and relied on Alithya's oversight, expertise, and experience to ensure that its internal team was doing things according to best practices to make the implementation as smooth as possible. Watch the video to see how this innovative approach to deploying Dynamics 365 helped Travel Counsellors achieve its strategic goals while learning CRM implementation from an inside, hands-on perspective.

How NASCAR team Hendrick Motorsports uses Microsoft Teams to win races

Unlike any other competition, NASCAR is a sport where just one second of time can mean the difference between first place and a distant tenth. As such, racing teams like Hendrick Motorsports are always searching for ways to squeeze out another fraction of a second in performance. When NASCAR changed its rules to open up access to different data streams from each car--such as speed, brake level, and throttle position, coupled with GPS location--Hendrick needed a solution for generating actionable insights from this real-time telemetry information, and for sharing this information in real time with various stakeholders. To achieve this high-speed collaboration, Hendrick turned to Microsoft Teams for its efficient communication capabilities accessible in a single, convenient location, and for the solution's enterprise-grade, end-to-end security. Watch the video to see how Hendrick Motorsports is using Microsoft Teams to translate real-time racing telemetry into lightning-fast decisions and faster race car performance.

Security with Azure SQL Database in Azure Government

This video highlights the types of security features customers have been asking for and how Azure SQL Database wraps these features into a unified package of intelligent security capabilities. You'll also learn about the three major pillars of this advanced data security: data classification, vulnerability assessments, and threat detection.

Fortnum and Mason delivers memorable customer experiences with Microsoft Dynamics 365

Fortnum and Mason uses Dynamics 365 to support efficiency and growth for the future. The system provides important insights such as how often a customer shops with them and what their spend is, giving Fortnum and Mason the tools to make sure they are offering customers the products and services they want. Overall speed and usability, as well as closer control on costs, allows Fortnum and Mason to be proactive about achieving goals and serving their customers.

September 10, 2020

Learn Azure in a Month of Lunches

Manning publishes high-quality books and videos for technology professionals like you. Use this special discount code to save 40% on all eBooks, pBooks, MEAPs, and liveVideo courses at including Learn Azure in a Month of Lunches. Just enter azuremsft in the Promotional Code box when you check out.

View: Learn Azure in a Month of Lunches

Investing in a CRM solution? Follow these 7 steps for a successful implementation.

For many organizations and their management teams, the mere mention of customer relationship management (CRM) inspires immediate apprehension. Far too numerous are the stories from companies across all industries about failed implementations, wasted money and time, and frustrated sales executives. But it doesn't have to be that way, according to a Forbes article entitled "Seven Steps For Successful CRM Implementation." In the article, author Marc Emmer asserts that past challenges with CRM implementation have little to do with technology, and more to do with the culture of the organization attempting to implement it. Read the full article to discover what Mr. Emmer feels are the seven keys to successfully deploying and utilizing CRM.


Social Asset A: Expand Collaboration

Customize and expand your remote collaboration with @Microsoft Teams, keeping your team engaged, connected, and secure. Subscribe now!

View: Social Asset A: Expand Collaboration

September 9, 2020

Cloud lessons learned: four companies that migrated their Windows Server and SQL Server workloads to Azure

Read the success stories of companies that increased workload performance and cut costs by moving Windows Server and SQL Server to Azure. Download this eBook to learn about the different cloud migration paths that Allscripts, Carlsberg Group, Epos Now, and TraXall France used. See how Azure helps to smoothly migrate legacy data and keep pace with innovation, among other features.

View: Cloud lessons learned: four companies that migrated their Windows Server and SQL Server workloads to Azure

Turn prospects into engaged customers

Today's B2B buyers have high expectations, and those expectations will not be met if B2B buyers are accustomed to sophisticated consumer interactions in their personal lives. Executive B2B buyers are not impressed by marketing driven by large, relatively impersonal data analysis that leads to inconsistent and conflicting interactions or sales outreach that doesn't cater specifically to their needs at the right time. This blog recommends taking a new approach that unifies relationship data across the full customer lifecycle.


Turn prospects into engaged customers

Today's B2B buyers have high expectations, and those expectations will not be met if B2B buyers are accustomed to sophisticated consumer interactions in their personal lives. Executive B2B buyers are not impressed by marketing driven by large, relatively impersonal data analysis that leads to inconsistent and conflicting interactions or sales outreach that doesn't cater specifically to their needs at the right time. This blog recommends taking a new approach that unifies relationship data across the full customer lifecycle.


6 ways you're getting teamwork wrong

All it takes to put together a winning team is finding the most talented people possible, assigning them to the same project, telling them the requirements and deadline, and then letting them run wild...right? Not so, says Sharon Florentine--in fact, far from it. In her article for CIO magazine entitled "6 ways you're getting teamwork wrong," Ms. Florentine draws a clear distinction between assumption and reality when it comes to teamwork, outlining what it really takes to assemble a truly superb group for getting the job done. Check out the full article before you put together your next mission-critical team.


Microsoft Teams at 3: Everything you need to connect with your teammates and be more productive

Microsoft Teams continues to invest in experiences that will make it easier for teams to communicate and collaborate. This article by Jared Spataro, Corporate Vice President for Microsoft 365, informs how new capabilities reflect commitment to two things: building the very best online meeting experience for customers and bringing technological solutions to traditionally underserved professionals, including Firstline and healthcare workers. The latest features include new integration between Teams and RealWear head-mounted devices, real-time noise suppression during meetings, booking apps, pop out chats, the raise hand feature, and more


Carlsberg Group follows a recipe for success with Microsoft Azure, SAP, and a cloud-first strategy

Discover how the Carlsberg Group has successfully migrated SAP to Microsoft Azure. Migrating their environment to the cloud has helped them drive business performance and achieve digital transformation by streamlining their IT infrastructure.

September 8, 2020

Engaging at scale

This infographic represents successful companies' consensus about which sales tools are most effective in enabling their sales teams to engage at scale with target accounts.

View: Engaging at scale

Microsoft Super Bowl Commercial - Braylon O'Neill

Answering the question, "What is that we can do that is unique; that is impactful," guides the development of everything Microsoft delivers. In this video showing a Super Bowl commercial, discover how Microsoft technology empowers young Braylon O'Neill to do more, achieve more and experience courage in the face of opportunity.

Transform the customer journey with Dynamics 365 for Sales + Adobe Marketing Cloud

How do you differentiate yourself and stand out from your competitors? Delivering a more consistent, seamless, and personalized experience for customers is a great way to start--and an even better way to gain a competitive advantage by transforming the customer journey. View this infographic to discover how integrating Dynamics 365 applications with Adobe Marketing Cloud lets you leverage integrated tools and unified data to gain a 360-degree view of customers, orchestrate personalized campaigns, and deliver the right content, at the right time, at every touchpoint.

View: Transform the customer journey with Dynamics 365 for Sales + Adobe Marketing Cloud

Spend a day in the life with financial pro Adira

Adira is a senior project manager at a bank who works seamlessly between her laptop at the office and her tablet at home, relying on Microsoft Teams, OneNote within Teams, and Power BI dashboards to collaborate and share with team members. View this infographic to follow Adira through a typical day and to see how Teams enables her to get through her day productively and efficiently.

View: Spend a day in the life with financial pro Adira

Worldwide logistics provider connects the dots, boosts ROI with Dynamics 365 Marketing

How does a global company connect its salespeople to customers in an efficient yet personal way? Rotterdam-based Broekman Logistics decided to add the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Marketing app to the company's existing Dynamics 365 Sales app to make it even easier and more efficient to find and develop high-quality leads and nurture customer relationships. As a result, Broekman Logistics not only increased its sales, but also gained valuable insights that it uses to sharpen sales management. The real engine behind global logistics? It's all about a smooth collaboration between sales and marketing.

September 3, 2020

Don't miss another post! Subscribe now.

SQL Server 2017 and Azure Data Services offer an industry-leading data platform with built-in security, enhanced performance and data analytics to modernize your business.

View: Don't miss another post! Subscribe now.

Your digital transformation journey starts here. Subscribe now.

Where is your organization in its digital transformation journey--or are you still uncertain where and how to begin? Subscribe now to stay informed on how Microsoft Dynamics 365 and Teams can help jump start digital transformation for your business by centralizing communications, enhancing collaboration, and streamlining processes and workflow--ultimately boosting your productivity and increasing your competitiveness.

View: Your digital transformation journey starts here. Subscribe now.

Put your finger--and business--on the pulse of the modern workplace. Subscribe today and never miss a beat.

With today's increasingly global business environment comes the need for increasingly global collaboration tools. Microsoft 365, with Teams at the heart of communications, provides the tools and capabilities today's organizations and businesses need to not only collaborate with colleagues and peers across the world, but equally important, to also take that first critical step toward transforming their traditional workspaces into modern digital workplaces. Subscribe now to stay informed on how Teams at the center of Microsoft 365 can help elevate and transform communication, collaboration, and teamwork throughout your entire organization.

View: Put your finger--and business--on the pulse of the modern workplace. Subscribe today and never miss a beat.

September 2, 2020

Saving time with Microsoft Teams

This infographic displays stats on how Microsoft Teams reduces the total number of meetings as well as their duration from improved collaboration and information sharing.

View: Saving time with Microsoft Teams

Reduce Costs Infographic

While innovation has supplanted cost savings as the primary driver of cloud migration for many businesses, moving to the cloud needs to make sense for your bottom line. Learn about the unbeatable costs offers and benefits of migration to Azure cloud.

View: Reduce Costs Infographic

Digital selling insights

Orchestrating data from multiple sources is important when compiling an accurate "big picture" to inform strategic action. This infographic offers 5 keys to provide insights and recommendations to your team.

View: Digital selling insights

Mercy Housing keeps residents safe at home using Microsoft Teams

When the pandemic ushered in a new reality of social distancing, Mercy Housing was able to continue supporting the residents and communities it serves while keeping everyone safe using Microsoft Teams. This customer story video outlines when COVID-19 created a tremendous need for a tool that can maintain personal connection, Teams has allowed the company to maintain reaching residents and serving its communities, growing the business while working remotely, all while supporting highly secure environments for remote work.

10 reasons to use Azure SQL in your next project

There are many new features that developers don't know exist with Microsoft Azure SQL. Learn why Azure SQL is a post-relational, cloud-native database with these ten simple points, including complete storage control, complete monitorability, and full insights.


September 1, 2020

Social Asset 2: Subscribe now

Streamline your sales collaboration with Microsoft. Subscribe now!

View: Social Asset 2: Subscribe now

Ignition Ai makes online advertising more human with Microsoft Azure

Ignition Ai is at the forefront of evolution within data-driven marketing. They integrate the emotion and psychology of shopping with powerful real-time data to predict trends in consumerism. In other words, it analyses what's making today's online shoppers think. In this case study, discover how a fully connected Microsoft Azure ecosystem helps Ignition Ai compete with blazing-fast real-time analytics and built-in security to remain GDPR compliant, drive value and gain peace of mind.


Digital transformation helps REGINA MARIA deliver better customer care and healthier business processes

REGINA MARIA is the leading provider of private healthcare services in Romania, with three internationally accredited hospitals, 45 of its own clinics, 5,500 employees, and an extensive partner network comprising almost 300 other institutions. The organization is already far along the path toward digital transformation and prides itself on being the most digital healthcare company in Romania, but it's always looking for ways to further expand its digital capabilities and utilize technology to help its patients as well as its business. Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Sales and Microsoft Teams provided just such an opportunity--including a new virtual assistant in Teams named "Ana" that has helped reduce approval processes for managers from days and weeks down to hours and minutes. Watch this video to learn how key Microsoft technologies have enabled REGINA MARIA to not only greatly improve customer experiences, but also vastly improve business processes, resulting in 20 percent better database accuracy and 50 percent faster complaint resolution.


Microsoft Teams delivers healthy, real-time global collaboration for Heart Research Institute (HRI) in Australia

Cardiovascular disease is the world's leading cause of death, a statistic that Australia-based Heart Research Institute (HRI) is working diligently to change. Dedicated to saving lives and minimizing the impact of heart-related illnesses on patients globally, HRI is involved with over 150 international research projects each year which require frequent collaboration with other researchers from around the world--a necessity often hampered in the past by the institute's outdated, unsecure, and largely underused collaboration tools. All that changed when Microsoft partner Dimension Data deployed Microsoft 365 across HRI, with Teams at the heart of the organization's communications. With Microsoft 365 and Teams, HRI can now compare results, share data, and collaborate on documents in real time with researchers in different countries and hemispheres, representing a critical first step for HRI toward realizing the promise of the modern workplace. Watch and share this short video to learn how Microsoft 365 and Teams are enabling cutting-edge communication for a cutting-edge research facility.

Sell smarter with Microsoft Dynamics 365 and Office 365

In this video, you'll see how Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Sales and Office 365 go beyond sales force automation to leverage CRM, engagement data, and insights to help your enterprise break down silos, drive more efficient sales, and win more revenue.