October 29, 2020

A digital workspace that transforms ideas into revenue. Subscribe now to learn more about Microsoft Teams.

Innovative ideas are an organization's greatest asset. Yet these assets need the appropriate space to grow, evolve, and transform into revenue-generating initiatives. Whether digital or physical, today's workplaces need to harness the synergy of everybody involved and empower them to share and collaborate in an environment that fosters productivity. These workplaces also need to adapt to everybody's needs and remain intuitive for the entire team, regardless of age, background, or gender. Subscribe now to stay current on the latest digital workplace trends, and discover how you can foster inclusion and innovation across your business with the help of Microsoft.

View: A digital workspace that transforms ideas into revenue. Subscribe now to learn more about Microsoft Teams.

Empower your organization—public or private—with Microsoft Dynamics 365. Subscribe to learn more.

Efficiency and productivity can mean the difference between remaining relevant and fading into obscurity. For both the private and public sectors, digital transformation has proven invaluable when it comes to leaving behind archaic technology, fragmented data sets, and insecure processes. It's also proven to be a crucial tool for increasing collaboration and improving employees' work satisfaction with flexible, intuitive, digital tools that enable seamless knowledge transfer regardless of location. Subscribe now and gain access to the latest news, relevant case studies, and industry trends that will help you plan, develop, and deploy effective digital strategies with Microsoft.

View: Empower your organization—public or private—with Microsoft Dynamics 365. Subscribe to learn more.

October 28, 2020

9 tips for meeting with Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams enables you to host and participate in more productive meetings and invite anyone to join you. This makes Teams a perfect solution where you can communicate and meet with anyone inside or outside your organization - even if they are not a Teams user. This blog offers nine tips to having more productive meetings with attendees in and outside your organization.


Modern Cloud

Optimize your cloud experience while lowering costs for your Windows Server desktops and apps. Don't miss out on all the amazing features Windows Virtual Desktop has to offer and subscribe now.

View: Modern Cloud

Microsoft Power BI Premium

If you're trying to find the best solution for your data analysis needs, read this white paper to get the inside details on what Power BI offers. Dedicated capacity, ability to work within your firewall with an on-premises server, the ability to build and distribute solutions broadly, higher dataset refresh rates and much more, including a peek at future feature sets.

View: Microsoft Power BI Premium

Ste. Michelle Wine Estates ensure business continuity with Dynamics 365

In this video, see how Ste. Michelle Wine Estates continues to prioritize the safety and well-being of its employees and customers during the COVID-19 pandemic. The company has taken numerous precautions to minimize risk and has transformed business processes to serve its customers during these difficult times. Microsoft Dynamics 365 solutions help this company stay in touch with employees, maintain facilities, meet new business requirements, and more.

Saving Money with Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams helps companies improve access to information and free up workers to focus on high-value activities, thus reducing operating costs, accelerating time-to-market, and fostering greater innovation.

View: Saving Money with Microsoft Teams

October 27, 2020

The Adecco Group connects a global workforce through innovative and collaborative technologies

As a global leader in professional staffing, career transition, and talent mobility, the Adecco Group has been transforming the world of work. They help customers embrace the changing employment landscape and develop new ways of working. With 34,000 team members across the globe, they needed more effective ways to collaborate in real time and a better way to access data for driving good decisions. Microsoft 365 equips HR leaders with the people data needed to drive business and cultural transformation. Now these leaders can tap into the idea of working out loud and stimulating employee creativity with Microsoft Teams. And with Power BI, they've unlocked data so they can get the analysis they need, right on the spot! Check out how Adecco is creating the future of work in these two brief videos!


Schneider Electric | How Microsoft Teams helped create a successful HR marketing campaign

Diversity is a defining characteristic of today's global workforce. With teams working on projects around the world, it's critical to have different perspectives on the work being done to ensure an inclusive final product or service that all users can relate to. To that end, Schneider Electric wanted to create a Human Resources campaign that would bolster its reputation as a company that prides itself on being diverse and recruiting the best talent from around the world. It was only appropriate, then, that during the creation of such an important campaign, the company would include as many voices as possible to ensure an adequate representation of its multi-ethnic workforce. In this video, you'll learn how Schneider Electric used Microsoft Teams to ensure constant collaboration and provide a digital workspace where ideas could be polished into final concepts. You'll also discover how even complex projects that span multiple teams across various regions can thrive when empowered with the right focus and digital tools.

How Chesterfield County streamlines workplace experiences with Microsoft Dynamics 365

When you think digital transformation, what typically comes to mind? For most people, it means rapidly changing technology within the context of enterprise and consumer-oriented private services. Many don't realize that digitalization and efficiency is just as crucial in the public sector as any other industry. Here, digital transformation can mean the difference between effectively improving someone's life or making them waste months—or years—in bureaucratic limbo. In this video and case study, you'll learn how Chesterfield County replaced its 20-year-old mainframe application with a cloud environment based on Microsoft Dynamics 365 that enabled easier knowledge transfer and increased efficiency—and most important, allowed the county to deliver on its promise of helping over 340,000 citizens live better lives.


Ciacci Piccolomini d'Aragona winery creates a perfect blend of tradition and technology with Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams provides virtual solutions in response to an unexpected crisis. For three generations, the Bianchini family has been creating exceptional wines on their idyllic estate, maintaining the traditions of a historic estate while staying one step ahead of the latest developments in the world of wine. With the recent COVID-19 pandemic and trade shows postponed and international travel impossible, everything changed. The Ciacci winery responded by turning to Microsoft Teams. To keep the business thriving, they moved quickly to replace in-person gatherings with virtual wine tastings using Teams meetings. Family members also used Teams to work together and connect with partners and suppliers, making the adjustment a perfect balance of tradition and technology.

Ciacci Piccolomini d'Aragona winery creates a perfect blend of tradition and technology with Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams provides virtual solutions in response to an unexpected crisis. For three generations, the Bianchini family has been creating exceptional wines on their idyllic estate, maintaining the traditions of a historic estate while staying one step ahead of the latest developments in the world of wine. With the recent COVID-19 pandemic and trade shows postponed and international travel impossible, everything changed. The Ciacci winery responded by turning to Microsoft Teams. To keep the business thriving, they moved quickly to replace in-person gatherings with virtual wine tastings using Teams meetings. Family members also used Teams to work together and connect with partners and suppliers, making the adjustment a perfect balance of tradition and technology.

ESNEFT Customer Success Story - Microsoft Azure and Windows Virtual Desktop

Using Windows Virtual Desktop, the East Suffolk and North Essex Foundation Trust removed unnecessary stress and frustration with IT. This empowered them to devote more time providing excellent patient experiences and healthcare services. Listen to their experience and learn how you can apply these solutions to your business.

October 26, 2020

October 22, 2020

Built-in Hybrid infographic

Microsoft is committed to enabling a seamless hybrid approach to cloud adoption. Azure was designed and built to natively support hybrid environments from its inception. This infographic introduces more about the hybrid value you can benefit from when you choose Azure.

View: Built-in Hybrid infographic

Microsoft pivots to digital selling to reach more customers

This blog post details how Microsoft uses Dynamics 365 to keep up with digital sales. As more customers move to digital buying, the volume of leads generated has grown exponentially. To keep up, Microsoft Digital Sales turned to Microsoft Dynamics 365 Sales and Sales Insights to scale for increased demand, engage customers remotely, and increase seller productivity.


October 21, 2020

Microsoft's Teams Is Its Slack Competitor for Office 365

It's no secret that Slack has taken the corporate world by storm. This successful collaboration app has managed to find a home in the offices and laptops of startups and multinational companies thanks to its intuitive, chat-based functionality. However, today's highly fluid, complex, and remote workforce requires more than just chat-based collaboration—it needs native integration with crucial productivity apps, as well as a secure, flexible document repository that enables multi-team and project cooperation. This is where Microsoft Teams excels. In this article, you'll learn the competitive advantages of Teams over competing tools, and how Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella and Office 365 corporate vice president Kirk Koenigsbauer have learned from industry pain points to create a fully integrated, holistic collaboration software solution that is empowering companies to scale and expand across the world.



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Good Decision Making Requires Good Data

In our data centric times, it's easy to equate lots of data with good data. Catch this article, "Good Decision Making Requires Good Data" in Entrepreneur Magazine. Author George Deeb of Red Rocket Ventures gives personal examples of thinking he had the data thing down and then realizing the need to continue to refine their AI efforts to have accurate and meaningful data. With Microsoft's AI Builder layered onto the Power Platform, you can ensure it will be easy to build dashboards, apps, and workflows. Get the information you need to run your business, whatever your field.


Why aren't your customers listening to you?

"Why are my customers not listening to me?" is a question frequently asked by frustrated marketers and decision-makers. To address this question, author Carly Driscoll asks two crucial follow-ups: do you truly know who your customers are, and are you really delivering them an impactful message? At first glance it may seem intuitive or even simple, but successfully answering these questions requires a marketer to truly empathize with their audience—a task much easier said than done. Fortunately, there's a time-proven way to not only interest your customers, but also convert leads into revenue-generating relationships that will drive growth and brand prestige: great content. In this eye-opening article, you'll learn about the successful R.I.D.E. methodology for content creation, and how to effectively inform your customers with solid content marketing at each stage of the buying process.


Modernize digital processes to improve profitability and ensure data security​

Improve profitability and ensure data security by modernizing digital processes with Microsoft.

View: Modernize digital processes to improve profitability and ensure data security​

October 20, 2020

Microsoft Cortana unlocks data's full potential

Modern business is being transformed by three major trends: Big data, the cloud and intelligence. The winners will master all three. Learn how Microsoft Cortana can get you there by unlocking the full potential of your data. Remove the divide between IT and the business side of your operation and empower your whole workforce to access data and drive better decisions. Transform data into intelligent action with Power BI and Microsoft Azure.

View: Microsoft Cortana unlocks data's full potential

3 characteristics that define the modern workplace

Today's diverse and intergenerational workforce is most productive when it has adequate channels to collaborate in a seamless and effective way. There's a catch, however: teams are far more diverse and remote than ever before, and each organization requires its own distinct approach to digital collaboration. In other words, your workplace tools and applications must be customized based on your teams' diversity, location, and work methods. With this infographic, you'll learn about the three main characteristics that define our modern workplace and gain insight into what drives productivity and efficiency in today's organizations. After reading it, you'll have a better understanding of current trends and can keep these in mind when creating or modifying your organization's work environment.

View: 3 characteristics that define the modern workplace

3 characteristics that define the modern workplace

Today's diverse and intergenerational workforce is most productive when it has adequate channels to collaborate in a seamless and effective way. There's a catch, however: teams are far more diverse and remote than ever before, and each organization requires its own distinct approach to digital collaboration. In other words, your workplace tools and applications must be customized based on your teams' diversity, location, and work methods. With this infographic, you'll learn about the three main characteristics that define our modern workplace and gain insight into what drives productivity and efficiency in today's organizations. After reading it, you'll have a better understanding of current trends and can keep these in mind when creating or modifying your organization's work environment.

View: 3 characteristics that define the modern workplace

McCann & MullenLowe - Microsoft Teams Case Study

When bringing two companies together through acquisitions, you are often bringing in a different culture with different technology. This can often make it difficult to efficiently collaborate. Sharing files and streamlining communication is a common problem. Two of the leading agency networks, McCann and MullenLowe, needed help to create a single platform which enabled their employees to work together through close collaboration. Microsoft Teams provided the solution they were looking for.

Church and Dwight move Windows Server licenses to Azure for cost optimization

Why run Windows Server on Azure? Find out from Church and Dwight, the major American manufacturer of household products. In this video, learn about the benefits of running their Windows Servers on Azure, the saving on costs by leveraging Azure Hybrid Benefit, and their short and long-term strategic goals.

ComAp: Digital Transformation of Sales

The Czech company ComAp makes control units for diesel, gas, dual fuel, and other kinds of power generators for clients all over the world. Its devices can be found in hospitals, banks, and data centers. Since its foundation in 1991, ComAp has put emphasis on readiness in providing services to its customers. The effort to be always there for its customers has become one of the company's essential values. For ComAp, digitalization of sales with Microsoft has enabled global consolidation and consistency throughout their offices.

October 15, 2020

Don't miss another post! Subscribe now.

Data locked in silos prevents your teams from fully accessing all the info they need to remain competitive. Microsoft Power BI and Azure give your team the ability to leverage a secure, simple-to-manage infrastructure to analyze data and view reports when and where they're needed --across any device, online and offline. Make collaboration and data sharing easier and more engaging across teams with stunning visuals; plus, simple data discovery and reporting. Discover how Power BI can transform analytics with business intelligence like you've never seen before.

View: Don't miss another post! Subscribe now.

5 ways to lead effective virtual meetings with your remote teams

With virtual meetings, your team can connect from across the globe. In this article, read five tips to help you ensure high productivity and efficiency during your virtual meetings. You'll also learn techniques for keeping cameras on, connecting with your people with empathy, asking if there's anything they need, ensuring there's space for attendees to share their thoughts, and setting an agenda with an outline.


October 14, 2020

Microsoft Transforms its Sales Practices

As software customers become better informed through their own online research, sellers must adapt their sales practices to engage with them at the right time and with the right insights to deliver value. By adopting a relationship sales approach that encompasses social listening, customer research, and innovative technology, the Inside Sales team at Microsoft has undergone a digital transformation that drives better interactions and establishes a model from which both partners and customers benefit.


Drive better relationships with Microsoft Dynamics 365. Subscribe to learn more.

Having data can either be a good thing or a disadvantage—it all depends on the accuracy of the data sources and your organization's ability to unify them to empower sales and customer service teams. Subscribe now to stay up to date on how your business can use Microsoft Dynamics 365 and Azure to enable innovation and sustain consistent growth with insight-rich data.

View: Drive better relationships with Microsoft Dynamics 365. Subscribe to learn more.

Collaborate better with Microsoft Teams. Subscribe to learn more.

Today's global workforce relies on technology to push forward revenue-generating projects. Now more than ever, finding the correct workplace tools is becoming a crucial part of every organization's digital transformation strategy. Subscribe now to discover how Microsoft Teams is delivering tangible, scalable benefits to companies worldwide. Additionally, learn how Microsoft technologies can empower your business to become a local, regional, or global leader by driving increased efficiency and superior collaboration.

View: Collaborate better with Microsoft Teams. Subscribe to learn more.

Streamline solutions with Microsoft Teams

Using Microsoft Teams helps you save time by having all solutions in one place for improved collaboration and information sharing. Foster a collaborative environment and embrace the upside of teamwork - frictionless sharing that makes good ideas exceptional.

View: Streamline solutions with Microsoft Teams

Increase sales with AI-prioritized activities and cadences

Increase sales and adjust to fluctuations in demand by scaling sales resources and arming digital sellers with training/skilling and next best action enablement tools. Learn how Microsoft makes it possible. Subscribe now.

View: Increase sales with AI-prioritized activities and cadences

October 13, 2020

Virgin Atlantic improves internal customer service with Power BI and PowerApps

At Virgin Atlantic, Manuela Pichler and the Business Systems Development team is focused on being the world's most-loved airline -- a goal that requires creating quick wins and tactical development solutions. To achieve this goal, Manuela adopted Microsoft PowerApps to simplify and accelerate app development by connecting business data with Power BI. Watch this video to discover what Manuela and her team are able to achieve by using Microsoft Modern BI to simplify collaboration and data sharing and get quick access to data insights anytime and anywhere. From improving customer service to ensuring safety and compliance to sparking innovation -- Microsoft PowerApps and Dynamics 365 give Virgin Atlantic everything it needs to help business and field workers excel while bringing more love to the travel experience.

Helsanas goes digital and improves customer experiences with Microsoft technologies

When analyzing what steps to take with digital transformation, Helsana—one of the largest health insurance companies in Switzerland—decided to focus on rethinking its interactions with customers. However, siloed information and disjointed customer touchpoints were preventing the insurer from seeing the complete picture of its customers' journeys. In this video, you'll learn how Helsana utilized Microsoft Dynamics 365 to empower its customer service and sales teams with on-point customer insights that enabled tailored offers and services. You'll also see how Microsoft Azure allowed for an increasingly secure and flexible environment that fostered innovation and improved Helsana's ability to dynamically react to new challenges.

J. Walter Thompson creates a global collaboration hub with Microsoft technologies

J. Walter Thompson, one of the world's largest advertising and marketing firms, needed a way for its geographically dispersed teams to effortlessly collaborate, produce great work, and increase efficiency. The agency also needed its workforce to have access to the newest digital workplace technology while enabling integration with existing Microsoft Office 365 tools and applications. Watch this video to learn how Microsoft Teams empowered J. Walter Thompson to drive projects across locations by allowing it to seamlessly add members, create and share content, and deliver on the unique value proposition that the agency has been known for since 1896.

How NASCAR team Hendrick Motorsports uses Microsoft Teams to win races

For the 2018 racing season, NASCAR imposed new regulations on competitors, including limiting the number of team members allowed on the track during races. For legendary race team Hendrick Motorsports, this meant that many of the race-day crew would now need to perform their critical duties remotely from the team headquarters in Concord, NC. Hendrick Motorsports adjusted to the new regulations with technology, by making Microsoft Teams their new hub for all race communications and decision making.

App migration to Azure

In this video, look at strategies to migrate to Microsoft Azure spanning zero to higher levels of coding and when to use which. From rehosting your apps by lifting and shifting them to Azure to choosing to refactor your apps for greater efficiency, Azure offers you possibilities. You can also rearchitect your apps to be able to quickly add new capabilities or take a cloud-native approach by rebuilding them from scratch. This video also addresses Azure's new secure options in the wake of the end-of-support for Windows Server 2008 R2 or SQL Server 2008.

October 12, 2020

Ste. Michelle Wine Estates crafts luxury customer experiences with Dynamics 365 Commerce

Ste. Michelle Wine Estates, one of the largest premium wine companies in the United States, prides itself on superior consumer experiences. To unify its consumer data and provide opportunities for innovation, Ste. Michelle is deploying Microsoft Dynamics 365 Commerce across all its wine brands. The company is already seeing better mobile experiences, and it expects that by enhancing its omnichannel commerce platform, Ste. Michelle will increase sales and conversion rates, attract new business, and boost loyalty among existing consumers.

October 7, 2020

Social Asset C: Realize up to a 406% ROI over on-premises and hosted solutions

When paired with Azure, Windows Server and SQL Server can provide unique benefits that range from unmatched security to better performance. Realize up to a 406% ROI over on-premises and hosted solutions. Learn more about Windows Server & SQL Server on Microsoft Azure. Subscribe now!

View: Social Asset C: Realize up to a 406% ROI over on-premises and hosted solutions

Themes for sales success

This infographic provides 4 key themes for sales success, including building and strengthening relationships with key prospects and engaging with the whole buying committee. It also notes that success is all about scale and cross-platform is key.

View: Themes for sales success

Satya Nadella On Microsoft's New Age Of Intelligence

"Microsoft was born to do a certain set of things. We're about empowering people in organizations all over the world to achieve more. In today's world, we want to use AI to achieve that." That's Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella, crisply explaining the company's artificial-intelligence vision in an interview with Fast Company. Read the article for a look at how Microsoft aims to tie everything from Cortana to HoloLens to Office to Azure into one amazing AI experience.


Thought Leadership: Teams Future Features

This article describes various new features in Microsoft Teams, including enabling calls in separate windows and pinning meeting controls to the top of your screen.


Customer centricity: A key priority across all lines of business

Customer experience is expected to overtake price and product as the key brand differentiator by 2020. Get ahead of the competition now by personalizing your organization's customer experience strategy. Read the Customer Centricity e-book to learn how to unify your siloed marketing, sales, and service data into a single, intelligent 360-degree customer view by adopting a customer data platform.

View: Customer centricity: A key priority across all lines of business

October 6, 2020

How Modern BI Delivers Insights to Anyone, Anywhere, At Any Time.

By the 2020s, only 25% of companies on the S&P 500 will be ones that exist today. An astounding 75% will be companies not on the index today. Check out this infographic to for an overview of how Power BI helps organizations thrive in a world of change by delivering insights to anyone, anywhere at any time.

View: How Modern BI Delivers Insights to Anyone, Anywhere, At Any Time.

GEICO turbocharges insurance innovation with Microsoft Cloud

Insurance customers want the ability to buy and be serviced from anywhere, at any time. To meet this desire, GEICO decided to focus on two key aspects: abandoning its legacy infrastructure and focusing on digital transformation from a customer engagement perspective. Watch this video to learn how GEICO evolved from a traditional, silo-based infrastructure to an integrated, automated, and collaborative model. This transition allowed for increased flexibility and productivity thanks to a DevOps approach using Microsoft Azure.

Introducing Microsoft Teams

How do you empower great ideas across a digital workspace so that they evolve in a fluid and organic matter? This is a critical question to answer for any company with a remote workforce—and with teams growing more diverse and intergenerational every year, it's becoming increasingly complex. In this video, you'll learn how Microsoft Teams complements the already-robust applications found in Office 365. You'll also discover how both solutions together are enabling some of the world's leading companies to create frictionless digital workplace experiences for their employees.

A company crazy about chocolate, serious about people, uses Microsoft Teams to build personal relationships

Dutch startup Tony's Chocolonely grew out of a journalist's exposé of child slave labor in the cocoa industry and his dream of making the chocolate trade slavery-free. The Amsterdam-based company grew quickly, but its original collaboration apps didn't support its international expansion or its work-life balance ideals. Teams enables Tony's Chocolonely workers to communicate on a personal level with their colleagues in Europe, America, and Africa. Adding telephony capabilities makes it even more powerful, with everything available in one single interface.

Commvault boosts capacity and performance with Windows Server and Azure

What are the benefits of running Windows Server and Azure? Learn from Ernie Costa, senior virtualization engineer from Commvault, about freeing up capacity and boosting performance. Also, learn how Commvault saves on cost by leveraging Azure Hybrid Benefit and running Windows Server and Azure services.