November 30, 2020

Microsoft wants you to work less

Updates within the Microsoft MyAnalytics platform, in conjunction with a new feature in Outlook are aimed at helping you work less. The new features allow users to better manage their time and information, with less time in meetings and more time spent accomplishing tasks. One tool enables users to allocate focus time—and alert coworkers when you are trying to get things done. Read more about working less in this article from TechCrunch.


November 26, 2020

Subscribe today. Be future-ready tomorrow.

If you're like most organizations, you've probably already invested in data technologies for the express purpose of uncovering actionable insights from your business data. But have you given any thought as to how these technologies can complement one another over time to create a truly agile and responsive data solution--one that not only provides insights today, but can accommodate changing business needs and conditions tomorrow? Subscribe now to learn how Microsoft Power Platform--comprising Power BI, Power Apps, and Microsoft Flow--can help you build the foundation for an end-to-end data analytics solution that's got you covered in the present and the future.

View: Subscribe today. Be future-ready tomorrow.

November 25, 2020

Protect your agency's database and citizen information by moving to the cloud. Subscribe to learn more about Microsoft for Government.

Cloud technology has enabled faster services, increased productivity, and happier workers for organizations of all sizes. But perhaps the most important characteristic of the cloud is its ability to keep your data safe from cyber attacks or physical hardware damage. And given the obsolete software and large amounts of paperwork still in use by public institutions today, this ability becomes critical. Subscribe now to learn more about how your organization can use Microsoft for Government to increase security while empowering its employees, services, and citizens.

View: Protect your agency's database and citizen information by moving to the cloud. Subscribe to learn more about Microsoft for Government.

Transform your business from local to global with digital collaboration. Get started with Microsoft Teams.

How do you increase the scale of your business without compromising your teams' work structure and methodologies? Truth be told, there is no single answer to this question, but there is one solution that has been proven to yield outstanding results for today's leading enterprises: digital collaboration. However, the real challenge lies in choosing the correct platform on which to build your modern workplace—one that provides the flexibility, efficiency, and customizability that complements your work methodologies and empowers your employees. Thankfully, one such platform exists, and is currently being utilized by today's industry leaders to complete fascinating, intricate projects around the world. Subscribe now to learn how Microsoft Teams can become the best tool for your workforce to reach its full potential, and how your business can go from local to global with Microsoft cloud.

View: Transform your business from local to global with digital collaboration. Get started with Microsoft Teams.

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Airport security officer-turned-developer helps Heathrow book a faster journey to digital transformation

At Heathrow Airport, an airplane takes off every 45 seconds and nearly 80 million passengers are served annually, making it the busiest airport in Europe. As you might imagine, daily activities involved in running the airport--such as baggage handling, security, maintenance, and the like--add up to a staggering volume of paperwork that requires an equally staggering number of hours to complete. Amidst the bustle, one security officer identified a way that Heathrow could save both time and resources by digitizing certain security processes. He researched several Microsoft Power Platform blogs, taught himself how to code, and used Power BI, Power Apps, and Microsoft Flow to create a suite of apps that has not only saved 288 hours in data entry and eliminated 11,000 sheets of paper for security operations, but has also helped Heathrow Airport leap forward on its digital transformation journey. Watch the video to see how airport security officer Samit Saini helped transform Heathrow--and his own career--using Microsoft Power Platform.

Security beyond Microsoft products

With Microsoft, security can be simple once again. Microsoft 365 provides an intelligent security hub that works seamlessly across platforms, going far beyond Microsoft—to Linux and Mac, to AWS and beyond, so you can manage mission critical workloads with the right tools at your fingertips. Watch the video to learn more.

November 24, 2020


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End User Experience

Windows Virtual Desktop provides versatility and adaptability for unique businesses. Learn how your business can leverage this program to assist and address specific needs. Subscribe now.

View: End User Experience

American Red Cross - Power Platform and Microsoft Teams - Microsoft Ignite 2019

The American Red Cross deploys a suite of Microsoft products to streamline operations, allowing them to focus on their core mission of alleviating human suffering. From sharing information and organizing work in Teams, to coordinating with other relief agencies through Microsoft Power BI during a disaster, watch this video for the full story.

How to enhance government services with Microsoft Dynamics 365

So far, we've extensively covered the topic of how digital transformation enables governments to become more efficient and increase the scope of their services. We've learned how digital allows them on a general level to better manage their budgets, protect their taxpayers' data, increase their productivity, integrate siloed information to gain accurate insights, and eliminate paperwork. But what about the people who use these digital collaboration tools on a daily basis? In this video, you'll step into the shoes of Raymond, a social worker who spends most of his time in the field solving complex cases that require careful analysis to make the right choices for the city's most vulnerable citizens. You'll also learn how the New York Administration for Children's Services office uses Microsoft Dynamics 365 to give their workers access to accurate insights that allow them to successfully care for the wellbeing of the city's children.

J Walter Thompson Unlocking creativity with Microsoft Teams

Creativity is like a living organism. It requires the right conditions to appear, careful nurturing to become more capable, and a diverse ecosystem to thrive. However, just like any organism, it can disappear in an instant if its environment doesn't provide the conditions it needs to grow and reach its full potential. Ironically, nothing generates the mass extinction of creative ideas faster than alienating cubicles. So organizations quickly began to change from the inside to create environments that foster innovation and dynamic work methodologies. With the advent of digital, they realized that not only did physical spaces need to change, but also their digital counterparts. Let's face it—when was the last time you read a company-wide email reply and thought it was a good thing? In this video, you'll learn the inspiring example of how J. Walter Thompson—one of the largest communication agencies in the world—has mastered the art of digital collaboration thanks to Microsoft Teams. From collaborating with the world's leading experts in prosthetics to give a veteran the ability to once again swim with his family, to simply networking and having fun, you'll see how Teams is much more than a work tool—it's a hub for inspiration and creativity.

November 23, 2020

5 ways to lead effective meetings with your remote team

In a world where remote work is more and more common, virtual meetings have become the norm. But technical problems, audio delays, and lack of personal interaction can dampen spirits and halt innovation. How can leaders better connect with their teams across a digital distance? Check out these five tips from Entrepreneur.


November 19, 2020

Enabling your remote workforce infographic

More organizations are using virtual environments to increase productivity and save money. Learn about the benefits of Windows Virtual Desktop below.

View: Enabling your remote workforce infographic

November 18, 2020

How CRM Improves Your Customer Service & Overall Customer Experience | CustomerThink

Customer experiences are everything. Here's the thing: it doesn't matter what you think they are, it matters what the customer perceives them to be. This means that accurately obtaining feedback from them is vital to keeping your business alive and consistently delivering the service that your clients expect from you. In theory, this is what customer services is for. But your customer services teams are only as effective as the data you give them to work with. You could have the best resources in the world, but if they can't quickly and accurately access your clients' data the moment they need it, they're dead in the water. And so, too, is your business in the long run. In this article, you'll learn 5 ways in which CRM software can empower your customer-facing teams with tools to better address client issues and draw insights to create a more empathic service. You'll also learn how it lowers the cost of each customer interaction by lowering the need to address recurring issues, and how it can become crucial to other departments such as sales, marketing, and development.


The Future of Productivity: Teamwork and Collaboration

Long gone are the days when the bulk of office communication was made via lengthy, often incomprehensible email threads. Also going extinct—thankfully— are the colossal company-wide emails that were often responded to by recipients using the "reply all" button. Today's corporate communication is evolving—not to the Orwellian, drone-like future portrayed in the movies, but toward a more multimedia-focused and casual approach. Nowadays, boring project management software is losing traction to intuitive digital tools such as Slack or Microsoft Teams which enable communication and collaboration to happen from a single platform. In this article, you'll learn about the major trends that are transforming office communications around the world. You'll also gain insight into how several industry leaders envision the future of collaboration, and what tools they're using within their organizations to push forward projects worldwide.


Digital transformation isn't what you think it is--so what is it?

When the same phrase is used so frequently and over an extended period of time, two things typically happen: first, it officially achieves buzzword status; and second, it begins to lose its meaning. Among the tech industry's pool of du jour buzzwords, perhaps none is more prominent and overhyped--if not misunderstood--than "digital transformation." In his insightful Forbes article entitled "Digital Transformation Is Not What You Think It Is," author Jamie Notter argues that it is culture, and not digital, that today's organizations should focus on when it comes to digitally transforming themselves. In other words, identify what cultural changes will help make your business successful, then adopt technology to support and advance those goals. Check out the full article to get Mr. Notter's unique take on what "digital transformation" really means for your business--and more important, what it really entails.


Construction giant gains competitive edge with zero-trust approach to security

When The Walsh Group—one of the largest construction contractors in the United States—moved to the cloud, it realized it needed better ways to manage who accesses its systems. The company set up identity as the control plane—with Microsoft Azure Active Directory at the center and a zero-trust security stance to better protect access to all its resources. Now, The Walsh Group CIO says the company leads the industry in securing access to its hybrid environment, giving it a competitive advantage. Read the article for more.

View: Construction giant gains competitive edge with zero-trust approach to security

HP uses artificial intelligence to transform its customer support experience

HP Inc. handles 600 million technical support contacts each year and they want to make each one a satisfying experience for the customer. They built a virtual agent using the Microsoft Dynamics 365 AI solution for customer service to streamline the process. This video explains how.

November 17, 2020

Prioritize culture during digital transformation

For many organizations, digital transformation means integrating digital into every facet of the business, making digital the focus of every activity and process. But is that really the right approach? For a growing number of businesses, digital is increasingly being viewed as an enabler of broader business objectives rather than the end state or goal. In other words, many businesses are identifying what cultural changes need to take place to bring about success, and then adopting digital technologies to achieve that success. Like digital transformation itself, this shift in mindset is a journey--starting with recognizing the obstacles to digital transformation, the key attributes of a true digital culture, and how to overcome the former to become the latter. View the infographic to see what the journey's all about.

View: Prioritize culture during digital transformation

Why governments trust Microsoft with their digital transformation

Public sector initiatives are more often than not highly complex and carefully planned endeavors. And, to be fair, they have every reason to be. Millions of people depend on public services to make their lives better, and even a brief interruption can affect thousands of citizens. This doesn't mean that governments should postpone or cancel their digital initiatives, however—they just have to avoid as much risk as humanly possible. A significant part of this involves making the right choice when partnering with a provider and choosing the correct platform. It's critical, therefore, to pick one that guarantees flexibility, security, and cost-effectiveness, but more importantly, ensures the continuity of public services. In this infographic, you'll learn why Microsoft has become the partner of choice for governments across the world, and what characteristics have helped Microsoft's products become a staple for public digital initiatives.

View: Why governments trust Microsoft with their digital transformation

The 7-step partner mini-guide to onboarding customers

Organizations don't make the jump to digital collaborations overnight. It takes months—or even years, depending on their size—of careful planning and strategy to come up with a transition plan that doesn't compromise operations while everybody gets onboarded. It's our job, then, to guide our clients and partners as to the best way they can make their digital plans happen. Of course, this isn't always easy—some organizations have highly rigid and complex structures that can take a while to adapt and integrate new technologies, while others may have multiple stakeholders who need to be consulted during each stage of the process. Either way, a clear and well-established roadmap goes a long way toward ensuring the process goes as smoothly as possible. That's why we've created this infographic—to provide you with 7 time-tested steps that can make your customers' Microsoft Teams adoption as seamless as possible. Use it as a handy cheat sheet for yourself or your sales teams, or bring it along to executive meetings for a visually impactful way of presenting a solid implementation strategy that's recommended by Microsoft.

View: The 7-step partner mini-guide to onboarding customers

Security intelligent infographic

Identify and repel more threats than ever before with Microsoft Advanced Threat Protection, Azure Security, and Azure Sentinel. Take a look to learn more about intelligent security solutions for your entire enterprise.

View: Security intelligent infographic

Windows Virtual Desktop

Get all the tools and resources you need to migrate your apps, data, and infrastructure at your own pace with confidence. In the video below, learn how Windows Virtual Desktop expands capabilities with the best virtualized end-user experience.

November 16, 2020


This infographic shows how your business can operate with more agility by using Teams. Think about the tools, files, and dashboards you already use. Many of them can be added right into Teams and can be found right in the Teams app store. Bring the apps and services you love into Teams to save time and increase efficiency.

View: Integrate

November 12, 2020

Don't just see your data--visualize it with Power BI. Subscribe now and never overlook a post.

Anyone can see their data--very few can make sense of it. But with Microsoft Power BI, you'll be able to not only visualize your data, but also extract insights from it to help modernize and streamline your business. Power BI, alongside Microsoft Azure and other Microsoft tools, offers an unbeatable solution for performing real-time analytics, visualizing the results, and leveraging insights to improve business processes, increase productivity, and ultimately gain a competitive edge. Subscribe now to learn how Power BI can help you see your business in a whole new way.

View: Don't just see your data--visualize it with Power BI. Subscribe now and never overlook a post.

Largest and most trusted

Microsoft 365 guards your data as a valuable asset. With security built-in, not bolted on, integration and deployment are simplified. Subscribe now to learn more.

View: Largest and most trusted

Enable digital, efficient, and trust-building services. Subscribe to learn more about Microsoft for Government.

Efficiency is especially important when other people's lives depend on your services. Today's governments now have the digital tools at their disposal to empower their citizens with intuitive, accessible applications that eliminate the need for paper, manual tasks, and long wait times. Subscribe now to learn how your organization—public or private—can increase its ability to deliver fast, timely services that will improve end-user satisfaction and help you build trust with your target audience.

View: Enable digital, efficient, and trust-building services. Subscribe to learn more about Microsoft for Government.

November 11, 2020

A single digital workspace that connects ideas, projects, and people. Subscribe to learn more about Microsoft Teams.

As the world becomes increasingly connected, continuous product innovation in the Modern Workplace provides growing opportunities for today's organizations to deliver customized business solutions to their customers. In this digital landscape, the demand for unified solutions is stronger than ever, with 88 percent of Microsoft customers agreeing that having all their solutions together in one place saves them time. These same companies also estimate that they've saved nearly $5 million over three years from not having to switch back and forth between apps. So how exactly are organizations adapting to these trends? Subscribe now to get the answer to this question and many others regarding Modern Workplace, digital collaboration, and Microsoft solutions.

View: A single digital workspace that connects ideas, projects, and people. Subscribe to learn more about Microsoft Teams.

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Stay up to date on the latest technological trends and learn how Windows Virtual Desktop helps employees virtually maximize their productivity and security. Subscribe here.

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Cerner drives customer confidence, improves security and compliance posture with Microsoft 365

Cerner's life blood is healthcare information—data that is subject to some of the most stringent security and privacy regulations in the world. Working at the intersection of healthcare and information technology, Cerner helps shape the industry by delivering solutions to providers—from physicians to integrated delivery networks and large hospital systems—that empower them to transform healthcare delivery. Cerner turned to Microsoft cloud technologies to meet their own high standards and to assure clients who have concerns about the use of public cloud services for processing and storing their health information. Read more here.


City of Houston: optimizing business processes

Optimizing business processes to meet challenges is a driver for digital transformation in Houston. For the city, security, reliability, and resiliency are key. They need to ensure their systems and data are reliable so they can quickly recover from unexpected events. Microsoft solutions can help. Learn how in this video:

Security Solution Overview

With data growing increasingly valuable and harder to protect, Microsoft provides security solutions across identity and access management, information protection, threat protection and security management. Harness integrated, comprehensive security with Microsoft Advanced Threat Protection, Azure Security, and Azure Sentinel to identify and repel more threats than ever before and safeguard your organization, without sacrificing productivity.

November 10, 2020

Here is how file sharing keeps this small business running at top speed

Oiselle needed to modernize and adapt their business processes to survive. This interview with Megan Murray, Director of Marketing, explores the ways Oiselle benefited from an agile, adaptable calendar and file-sharing system from Microsoft.


Data analyst and "oldest nerd in Guatemala" with ALS types with his eyes to modernize his clients' businesses

Can you teach an old nerd new tricks? For Otto Knoke, the self-proclaimed "oldest nerd in Guatemala" who has suffered from ALS for 20 years, the answer is a resounding yes. An admitted (and proud) workaholic, the 60-year-old data analyst is a well known fixture of the Guatemalan business community, having helped modernize the banking industry by introducing ATMs into the country 20 years ago. Sadly, right around that same time, Knoke was diagnosed with ALS (better known as Lou Gehrig's disease), and was told he only had two years to live. But rather than give in to the disease, Knoke relentlessly researched ways in which technology could help him overcome his condition and thrive--a determination and drive which has paid off. Today, some two decades later, Knoke has become the first person in Guatemala to use Microsoft's new eye-tracking software for Windows 10, called Eye Control, enabling him to literally type with his eyes and use Microsoft Power BI to analyze his clients' business data. For Knoke, who has always been a tech early adopter, this revolutionary Microsoft technology has not only helped his business continue to boom, but more important, it's enabled him to communicate more meaningfully with his loved ones and strengthen those relationships. Watch this truly fascinating and inspiring video to learn Otto Knoke's full story.

Victoria, Australia relies on Microsoft technology to help struggling families

As a species, we've endured numerous challenges thanks to empathy and the notion that we must care for each other, especially in times of need. Governments were essentially created to ensure that our limited resources were adequately spent in creating better societies, which includes caring for those in distress and helping them through a rough situation. Modern-day governments are complex institutions with hundreds of tasks and a short amount of time to complete them, which creates a constant sense of urgency since the well-being of their citizens often times depends on their level of efficiency. In this regard, The Department of Human Services in Victoria, Australia was no exception. In this video, you'll learn how the department has succeeded in harnessing digital transformation to become increasingly more effective at resolving people's crises and delivering the social justice their citizens deserve.

HRI uses Microsoft Teams to streamline research

Medical researchers have one of the most critical jobs in the world. It's imperative, therefore, that every second of their workday is dedicated to discovering new ways to improve human health. Likewise, enabling researchers to effortlessly share their work with colleagues around the world can make a huge the difference. Watch this video to learn how Health Research Institute (HRI) is using Microsoft Teams to enable its researchers to seamlessly communicate, collaborate, and help each other in over 150 international projects per year.

Windows Virtual Desktop intro

Windows Virtual Desktop creates best-in-class productivity across various devices and platforms. In this video, learn what these features can do for you and how they are important in an ever-changing work environment.

November 9, 2020

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It's crucial for your organization to build agile processes to keep up with change. Make sure you are ready with tips, updates, and insights from Microsoft.

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November 4, 2020

Security Azure Infographic

Securely harness the power of the cloud with Azure Advanced Threat Protection. This infographic outlines how your organization can trust Azure Advanced Threat Protection as it provides real-time security at enterprise scale, detect threats quickly, and allows your business to stay focused on what's important.

View: Security Azure Infographic

City speeds emergency services, controls spending with Microsoft 365

The City of Corona, California, had an aging IT infrastructure that didn't adequately serve the government's or the public's needs. To address the issue, Corona deployed Microsoft 365, which includes Windows 10, Office 365, and Microsoft Enterprise Mobility + Security. With its modern solutions in place, the city now resolves many IT issues in 10 to 20 minutes versus four days, saves up to $1,000 in IT maintenance per incident, and has a foundation for future improvements. Read more here.


Stitch Fix's radical data-driven way to sell clothes is reinventing retail

When you think of AI powerhouses, a fashion house may not be what first comes to mind. But capsule wardrobe company Stitch Fix is perfecting the art. In this article in Fast Company, learn how Stitch Fix relies on algorithms to drive all aspects of the business from selecting clothes for clients to running the warehouse. Their innovative Style Shuffle allows clients to rate clothing images each day, feeding the algorithm and refining the clothes offered to that customer. Customer comments after they've received a Fix give valuable feedback to clothing manufacturers on the minutiae of fit as well as style--a level of feedback they never get from retail. This is the kind of pooling of data you get with the modern business intelligence of Power Bi and Azure. You can build and innovate with choice and flexibility. And you have visual drag and drop data exploration and interactive reporting right at your fingertips.


Build Agile Business Processes Solution Overview

An organization's ability to adapt quickly to changing circumstances has never been more critical. You need to ensure that your team stays productive and efficient through twists and turns. Building agile businesses from Microsoft can help. Learn how in this brief overview video.

November 3, 2020

Why Remote Work Trumps Being in the Office

It's no secret that when implemented with the right vision and control mechanisms, remote collaboration provides outstanding benefits for both employees and organizations. Workers enjoy greater flexibility plus the satisfaction of better work-life balance, while organizations obtain unparalleled scalability and increased efficiency across projects. In this article, we'll put you in the shoes of a passionate work-from-home advocate to discover the main reasons why this benefit is sought after by professionals in every industry. You'll also learn why, in these digital times, remote collaboration is not only an option, but THE best option for companies that wish to empower and motivate today's diverse and inclusive workforce.


The leading South African law firm steps up digital innovation to build the legal practice of tomorrow

With over 150 years of history and experience in the legal market, Webber Wentzel has become one of South Africa's most prominent law firms, operating at the forefront of legal services and home to the country's longest-standing pro bono practices. The firm aims to act as a beacon of innovation for the industry. In this video, see how Webber Wentzel has taken advantage of the capabilities of Office 365 to create a more efficient and collaborative workplace for its teams, while facilitating and securing client interactions.


How to Give People What They Want Online

What do customers really want out of their online interactions with your company? Answering this question correctly can mean the difference between increasing revenue and joining the group of businesses that, combined, lose upwards of $1.6 trillion each year by not living up to consumer expectations. Truth be told, there is no single correct answer to this question, and yours will ultimately depend on your product, service, or industry. However, there are four general principles that every business can integrate into their customer experience strategy that have proven to yield exceptional results, regardless of the nature of their business. Read this article to learn how you can leverage these trends in your favor and increase brand loyalty among your customers.


5 reasons to choose Microsoft Power BI over Tableau

How do Microsoft's Power BI and Tableau compare? And how do you choose? Check out these five factors to consider as you evaluate the best solution for your data needs.

View: 5 reasons to choose Microsoft Power BI over Tableau

The 4 defining characteristics of effective digital workspaces

Not so long ago, it was believed that for teams to be productive, they required long hours confined in a physical office space with constant face-to-face interaction. To be fair, given the primitive state of digital collaboration tools at the time—which was pretty much limited to emails—there wasn't really a solid alternative to this scheme, so companies worked with what they had. Today, digitalization has made it possible for several people to seamlessly work together while being halfway across the world from each other. Exponential advancements in virtual workspaces have not only enabled teams to work as well as they did when they spent all day in the office, but have also proven that people are actually more productive the less they have to deal with alienating cubicles and two-way trips along traffic-congested highways. Not all digital workspaces have been equally effective, however. Yet decades of iterating and optimizing have finally given us a solid idea of the most important characteristics these spaces must have to reach their full potential. So what are they? Read this infographic to find out.

View: The 4 defining characteristics of effective digital workspaces