December 24, 2020

Stay connected with Microsoft Azure IoT. Subscribe now.

IoT is easy to understand: it's about connecting devices over the Internet so they can communicate with us, with other applications, and with each other. But while IoT may be simple to explain, putting an effective IoT strategy into practice is vastly more complex. Subscribe now to stay up to date on how Microsoft technologies deliver the flexibility and scalability you need to control, monitor, and manage your things, allowing you to capture real-time data that can be applied to uncover new business insights and revenue streams.

View: Stay connected with Microsoft Azure IoT. Subscribe now.

December 23, 2020

Enhance and automate the way you communicate with your customers. Learn more about bot integration for Microsoft Teams.

Your customer service teams have a lot on their plate. Not only do they have to troubleshoot problems efficiently, they must also deal with upset or worried clients while they do so. And to add another challenge, they have the added pressure of knowing that a single misstep can potentially have devastating consequences for their business' finances and reputation. Thankfully, digital transformation has equipped today's customer service teams with the technology they need to be better prepared for their next customer encounter. Now, artificial intelligence has enabled client-facing teams to come prepared with accurate data to better understand a customer's issue and solve it effectively. Subscribe now to learn how you can utilize the advanced bot integration capabilities of Microsoft Teams to enable effective communication with your clients and create outstanding customer experiences.

View: Enhance and automate the way you communicate with your customers. Learn more about bot integration for Microsoft Teams.


Simplify and fortify with Microsoft Security solutions, wherever you work. For more insights, news, and features, subscribe to our channels now.

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Reduce time and costs by optimizing everyday tasks with intelligent automation

Optimize with intelligent automation. To learn more about agile business processes to enhance your operations, subscribe now.

View: Reduce time and costs by optimizing everyday tasks with intelligent automation

Transform your organization with the power of Business Intelligence. Get started with Microsoft Dynamics 365.

The business landscape has changed. Thanks to integrated data platforms and IoT devices, companies are successfully extracting every byte of information from business processes and using it to empower decision makers with accurate information they can use to make strategic decisions. This is how modern enterprises are capable of predicting market trends with pinpoint accuracy or quickly adapt to those they cannot foresee, and how small and medium-sized businesses are innovating at breakneck speed to rise above the competition to claim their piece of the global market. Regardless of their size, the common takeaway is that transforming data into actionable intelligence has become the top priority of modern organizations. Subscribe now to stay updated with the latest digital transformation trends and how you can tap into your organization to unlock the power of actionable insights and business intelligence with Microsoft.

View: Transform your organization with the power of Business Intelligence. Get started with Microsoft Dynamics 365.

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Stay up to date on the latest features Windows Virtual Desktop has to offer for remote workers. In this new work environment, Microsoft has adapted and boosted their platforms. Get the newest technology, subscribe now.

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December 22, 2020

St. Luke's University Health Network secures digital health transformation with Microsoft 365

St. Luke's University Health Network (SLUHN) looks to the cloud to define a new way of providing health services of its ten hospitals and 300 sites across ten counties in Pennsylvania and New Jersey. This video outlines how the health network embarked on a digital health transformation journey using the Microsoft 365 productivity cloud to empower more than 15,000 employees. The intuitive tools protect sensitive information in cloud applications, simplifying security with interoperable solutions to save time while enhancing the hospital network's security posture. In turn, this optimizes health team collaboration and improves patient experience.


FINNING | Customer Value of Self-Service IoT Apps on the Azure Cloud

Finning, the second largest supplier of Caterpillar machinery in the world, was intent on delivering next-generation, experience-enhancing services to its clients. However, there was something standing in the way: siloed databases that were forcing users to use multiple logins for multiple platforms, resulting in a disjointed and ultimately convoluted practice. Watch this video to learn how Finning used Microsoft Azure Cloud to unify fragmented data sets and streamline its customer journey roadmap.

Seattle Seahawks play to win with smart data and intelligent insights

Every professional athlete's worst fear is a career-ending injury. And each match and training session becomes a gamble in which they risk everything to leave their name in the pages of history. Thing is, having an injury-free career is almost impossible, and as the years pass, the question becomes when they'll happen instead of if they'll happen. Such was the case of Seattle Seahawks cornerback Deshawn Shead, who in the Divisional Round of the 2016 playoffs suffered a torn ACL while playing against the Atlanta Falcons. In this video, you'll learn the compelling story of how he managed to overcome his injury thanks to the help of incredibly talented medical professionals aided by real-time data collected during his therapy sessions. After watching it, you'll gain insights into how modern sports teams are using digital tools like Microsoft Azure to complement their medical teams and ensure their athletes enjoy long, successful careers.

Combi Terminal Twente accelerates shipping operations AI-trained AtBot in Teams

Customers are unforgiving, especially when their products and services are on the line. For businesses in the transportation industry, taking the time to carefully review every little detail is crucial to ensuring their customers get their goods when they need them, where they need them.Problem is, time is also money, and finding the sweet spot between efficient and quality customer service is an everyday challenge for global transport companies like Combi Terminal Twente (CTT). In this video, you'll learn how CTT is leveraging the integration capabilities of Microsoft Teams to provide global customer support powered by AtBot and give clients the ability to track their goods anytime, anywhere.

Navigate data protection and risk in the cloud era

Microsoft invests in compliance and risk management to help your customers more easily protect and govern their data, address regulations and standards, and mitigate insider risks. The how-to guidance article announces new capabilities in Microsoft 365 that use machine learning and intelligence to help your customers address compliance and risk management in their organizations.


December 21, 2020

Enable remote work faster with new Windows Virtual Desktop capabilities

Windows Virtual Desktop meets the needs of an increasingly distributed and remote workforce. Organizations of all sizes have had to quickly shift focus and support users who need to stay connected from new locations and devices. Learn what new capabilities Windows Virtual Desktop added to make remote work more efficient and secure.


Tivoli Gardens delights guests with Dynamics 365 Customer Insights

Tivoli Gardens, the second oldest amusement park in the world and the most beloved in Europe, continues its long tradition of imagination and innovation with Dynamics 365 Customer Insights. With more than 4.5 million guests each year, Tivoli Gardens prioritizes and continually looks for ways to improve the customer experience. In this video see how Microsoft tools help them achieve this goal.

December 16, 2020

Power Platform

This infographic shows how to build custom Teams solutions with low code tools that can save money, install efficiency, and engineer innovation. Develop apps, automate workflows, and dashboards with Power Platform and use them in Microsoft Teams for businesses big and small.

View: Power Platform

Tips to avoid drowning in data

With the coming of digital transformation and IoT, businesses have begun a race to obtain more data from their customers and business processes. This may seem like amazing news until you realize that out of the 7.5 septillion bytes of data produced each day, most of it provides little or no value to generate actionable intelligence that can influence or alter a company's bottom line. This means that carefully selecting and curating data is just as important as building the infrastructure needed to obtain it. Read this article to learn how collecting unnecessary data can negatively impact your business and to gain insights into how you can better filter data to enable the creation of revenue-generating opportunities.


How We Saved Our Culture of Collaboration: Tech Was the Means for Easing the Pain of Rapid Growth

What qualifies as a successful collaboration tool? The short (and kind of obvious) answer is: one that gets people to use it. In other words, your large investment in a new platform may have proven useless unless that platform resonates with your workforce. This is why today's leading platforms like Microsoft Teams, Slack, and Workplace by Facebook have put customization and convenience at the top of their to-do list. And it's paying off immensely, with the industry expected to reach a value of $60 billion by 2023. So what's the secret sauce behind the success and massive adoption of these platforms? Read this article to gain spot-on insights into how modern collaboration software has evolved to earn its place in the hearts—and devices—of today's millennial workforce.


Overview of Microsoft Defender ATP

Learn how Microsoft Defender Advanced Threat Protection delivers preventative protection, post-breach detection, automated investigation, and response for enterprise networks. Watch this video for an overview.

December 15, 2020

Empower employees for secure remote work with Windows Virtual Desktop

Virtual desktops can provide great security to organizations and allow remote employees to access safely confidential organizational data. Learn how Windows Virtual Desktop makes your workflow secure in addition to optimizing services.


FINNING digitally transforms its operations with IoT apps on Azure cloud

FINNING, the world's largest Caterpillar dealer, started its digital transformation journey with customers in mind, but soon realized that its own operations were seeing just as many benefits as its clients. Not willing to turn down an opportunity to improve, FINNING quickly learned that the data obtained from customer-facing solutions enabled it to gain insights into internal processes and become even more efficient. Watch this video to learn how Azure IoT can have game-changing solutions that push forward internal process optimization and enhance customer satisfaction.

Move to the connected AI business cloud

Not so long ago, siloed client data was the norm. Client relationship management (CRM) software was usually used by sales teams to track their meeting data, but it was often only installed in onsite computers and keeping it updated was often a multi-task endeavor. Sales and customer services teams in the field had to keep their notes in separate documents until they were able to upload them into the database. This meant that businesses were regularly using incomplete client information to make decisions and had no way of knowing if the available data truly showed the latest interactions. Thankfully, that all changed with the advent of cloud technology. In this decade, businesses empower their customer service teams with devices they can use to update their databases in real time and applications that integrate information directly into their client's profile. And in this regard, Microsoft Dynamics 365 is leading the industry with a connected AI business cloud that fosters innovation and efficiency. Read this infographic to learn about the unique aspects that make Dynamics 365 the hero brand of cloud-based business applications.

View: Move to the connected AI business cloud

Amplify your apps with Microsoft Teams Developer Platform

Collaboration software is evolving. These days, just having chat-based capabilities is simply not enough, as anyone who's ever received nefarious "check your email" messages can relate. That's why leading enterprises are constantly striving for integration and convenience. After all, using multiple logins, juggling a dozen passwords, and getting bombarded with useless DMs is no one's idea of an efficient workspace. Today, our collaboration tools have become increasingly integrated with each other. Chat-based applications can now send files, serve as online storage for critical project management, and function as digital meeting rooms. This not only saves time, but also enables valuable reporting and management capabilities that are crucial for today's global businesses. In this infographic, you'll get familiarized with the Microsoft Teams Developer Platform and how it can be leveraged to extend the effectiveness of your existing apps as well as create new ones that maximize your teams' efforts.

View: Amplify your apps with Microsoft Teams Developer Platform

Security Fortify infographic

Maximize threat detection during attack stages with Microsoft's comprehensive suite of security solutions. Unmatched volumes of data inform Microsoft security solutions. Learn how you can harness decades of security experience with Microsoft Advanced Threat Protection.

View: Security Fortify infographic

December 14, 2020

Cloud Security and Windows Virtual Desktop

Keeping your work secure is paramount. Windows Virtual Desktop can help. Learn the protocols Microsoft takes to ensure data privacy, network protection, and more.

View: Cloud Security and Windows Virtual Desktop

Omnichannel Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Service

Omnichannel for Customer Service provides a modern, customizable, high-productivity app that lets agents help customers across different channels via a unified interface. It lets organizations choose the channel that suits their business needs. In this video, get clarity around the current functionality available in one of our newest offerings, Omnichannel for Customer Service, as well as a roadmap of functionality coming soon.


December 10, 2020

Shift your business into overdrive. Subscribe today.

More than ever before, organizations are augmenting human skills, ingenuity, and business acumen with data analytics, productivity, and enterprise solutions to gain a competitive edge. Subscribe today to stay informed on how solutions like Dynamics 365, Power BI, and other Microsoft services and solutions are enabling modern businesses to take the lead over competitors and finish first in the marketplace.

View: Shift your business into overdrive. Subscribe today.

December 9, 2020

Hybrid Environments

Secure hybrid environments for the lowest TCO with an integrated solution. Learn more about simplifying and fortifying with Microsoft security. Subscribe here!

View: Hybrid Environments

Collaborate more securely

Microsoft takes a comprehensive approach to delivering an enterprise-grade communication and collaboration experience. Learn more about privacy, security, and compliance in Microsoft Teams with this infographic.

View: Collaborate more securely

Use machine learning to analyze candidate information and recruit the best talent. Learn more about Microsoft Teams.

Recruiting has evolved. Fueled by machine learning and AI, today's top recruiters are implementing a host of digital tools to not only help them locate the best talent, but also statistically identify which candidate is the best for each role. And with the expanding reach and integration available within digital collaboration software like Microsoft Teams, the odds of choosing the wrong person for an important role are fading into obscurity. Stay subscribed to learn more about Modern Workplace trends and how you can empower your recruiting teams with Microsoft.

View: Use machine learning to analyze candidate information and recruit the best talent. Learn more about Microsoft Teams.

Keep your citizen and patient information secure with the power of the cloud. Learn more about Microsoft for Government.

Accurate client information is the holy grail of customer service. And it's no secret that keeping your customer service teams' data constantly updated is key to securing happier customers and brand loyalty. Less talked about, however, is the fact that people feel comfortable sharing their most intimate problems because they trust that their data is being kept safe and far away from prying eyes or cybercriminals. Subscribe now to stay updated on how the Microsoft cloud is empowering governments and health providers to keep their citizen and patient data secure while enabling their growth, trust, and digital transformation.

View: Keep your citizen and patient information secure with the power of the cloud. Learn more about Microsoft for Government.

Leveraging Your Microsoft Assets in this Remote Access World

More of the workforce is working remotely than ever before. Organizations are adapting and implementing new remote access solutions. Now is the time to evaluate the Microsoft tools you already have at your fingertips and leverage the built-in remote work security features and capabilities. Read more in this article from National Law Review.


December 8, 2020

Subscribe Now

Stay up to date on ways to boost your productivity and security. Apply these practices and learn more about Windows Virtual Desktop by subscribing today.

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Improve remote productivity by integrating apps

Integrate apps, automate workflows—and never miss a post. Subscribe now for more insights into building agile business processes to transform your organization.

View: Improve remote productivity by integrating apps

Finishing first with Renault Sports Formula One and Dynamics 365

To monitor every aspect of performance, a Renault Sports Formula One race car is outfitted with over 200 sensors that generate more than 35 billion data points over a typical race weekend. Since two or more sensors can be matched to form around 20,000 different virtual channels, cars relay an enormous volume of data back to the Renault Sports team during races and tests. By pairing Azure-based Dynamics 365 for Operations with Microsoft Power BI, the Renault Sports team can bring up and track this data in real time, enabling them to make exact modifications and adjustments at lightning speed to squeeze more performance out of the car. Watch this short video to see how the Renault Sports Formula One team capitalizes on the features of Dynamics 365 for Operations and Microsoft Azure to make its cars faster than ever and reach the finish line first.

Microsoft Talentsoft Dior Partner Story

Few things are more challenging than having a co-worker or boss who isn't prepared for their current position. To be fair, though, recruiters have a lot resting on their shoulders and they're well aware of the importance of their role. Placing the wrong resource within a critical project can have long-lasting implications for the entire business, not to mention the investment that must be made in finding and training that person's replacement. Today, modern recruiting techniques and methods provide multiple filters to ensure a person's the right fit for a role, but they aren't always failproof. This is why leading recruiters such as Talentsoft have decided to go one step ahead and leverage digital transformation, machine learning, and cloud technology to help their clients always obtain the profile they're looking for. In this video, you'll learn how Talentsoft uses all of these technologies integrated into Microsoft Teams to help fashion industry giant Dior reach and employ the best creative talent in the world.

Providence St. Joseph Health provides a personalized patient experience with Microsoft Dynamics 365

Call center representatives in the medical industry have a crucial role to play. Not only must they solve the caller's issue, but they must do so while conveying empathy, assertiveness, and confidence to the person on the line using only their voice. But to do all of this effectively, they must be armed with the information they need, and must be able to easily and intuitively access it while helping patients obtain a resolution to their problem. Furthermore, they must be able to add new information based on their interaction quickly and efficiently, so if the call breaks or the patient needs to call again, their information is updated and readily available within the system. Watch this case study to learn how Providence St. Joseph Health has solved all of these challenges by employing Microsoft Dynamics 365 to provide their Patient Engagement Center Liaisons with a holistic view of patients and their needs.


December 7, 2020

Why Integrated Technology Systems is choosing Windows Virtual Desktop for their customers

Customers have been asking for a user-friendly Remote Desktop Service for years, and Windows Virtual Desktop (WVD) is it. As the only affordable virtual desktop solution that allows you to deploy a native Windows 10 experience, it's been identified as one of the biggest partner opportunities in 2020. Read more in this blog post.


3 ways Microsoft Teams streamlines business collaboration

Microsoft Teams is a best-in-class hub for team collaboration. The cloud service has been designed to create streamlined and efficient remote teamwork. Teams makes interaction between team members working in different locations as productive as possible. Check out this article from FutureComputers that features three ways Microsoft Teams makes collaboration better, like easily accessible corporate resources, and more. Read on!


December 3, 2020

Security Power

Securing your systems with a data driven, human guided security approach allows you to detect and respond to attacks more quickly and accurately. This infographic outlines how the global network of real time threat intelligence from Microsoft continues to evolve, anticipate, and stay ahead of risks.

View: Security Power

The top 9 ways Microsoft IT is enabling remote work for its employees

As employees continue working remotely, Microsoft continues to provide productive and secure experiences to users around the world. Learn what steps Microsoft took to make remote work more productive and flexible.


December 2, 2020

Understanding the Virtual Environment

Microsoft continually innovates to empower best-in-class experiences, no matter where you're located. Learn how you can maximize productivity in the virtual environment with Windows Virtual Desktop.

View: Understanding the Virtual Environment

Making choices with data and AI

How do we, as human beings, make decisions? While most people would like to believe that they take a rational, calculated approach by considering all the variables, research shows that we go with our "gut feeling" instead about 95 percent of the time. In his Forbes article entitled "Making Choices With Data And AI," author Mark Robinson discusses the proper role of AI in human decision making. AI shouldn't be making decisions for us, he contends, but rather, guide us by interpreting the data at hand and presenting the facts and variables surrounding a given choice—effectively balancing out our "gut feeling" with rational objectivity. Read the full article to learn how AI-assisted decision making can help guide your business toward greater growth and success by mitigating human bias in choice.


Customer Data Platforms: Striving for a Single View of the Customer

The ability to collect, store and normalize large volumes of data while creating a way to persistently identify profiles across digital touchpoints has been the holy grail for many marketers. Traditionally, Data Management Platforms (DMPs) have been used to fulfill this role, but their reliance on anonymous IDs, the lack of personally identifiable information (PII), and their focus on paid channel optimization has led marketers to look for other alternatives. This is where Customer Data Platforms (CDPs) come into play. Thanks to their usage of known IDs, PII, and their focus on owned channel personalization, they might just provide the coordinated action across all touchpoints and channels that marketers have been seeking all along. But as more and more companies look to brand themselves as CDPs, a little research can go a long way to avoiding potential frustration and going with the wrong option. In this article, you'll learn about the CDP field as it stands today, and how to differentiate CDPs that started on the digital AdTech side from those that started on the PII MarTech side, as well as the differences in both their strengths and weaknesses.


5 Things to Avoid While Using a Team Messenger

Team messenger apps are a great addition to the workplace, especially in today's environment where working from home and flexible work schedules are the norm. However, it's easy to forget that just like unbulleted emails and leaving used Tupperware in the company fridge, there are some behaviors that are frowned upon when using office communication tools. In this article, you'll review 5 basic rules that professionals must be mindful of when using a team messenger application in the office or remotely. Always keep them in mind to avoid awkward situations and the office blacklist.


BP deploys Microsoft 365 to improve user experience and security

Every day, BP manages the difficult business of finding, producing, marketing, and moving energy around the globe. Core to success is the modernization and digitization of the business, while being able to defend a vast digital perimeter against cyberattacks. This video shows how BP is migrating its work environment to Microsoft 365 Enterprise E5 to take advantage of a platform approach.


December 1, 2020

Family food business spices up operations, reduces new device implementation time by 50 percent

Garner Foods is a fourth-generation family-owned-and-operated business based in North Carolina. With global sales, four locations, and a mobile workforce, see how Garner uses Microsoft 365 Business to connect it all. Watch the video story for more.

7 ways AI can help improve decision making for marketers

No longer just science fiction, AI has the potential to radically change just about every aspect of modern life, especially business. From automating simple tasks to more complex feats like uncovering insights from massive volumes of unstructured data, AI is fast emerging as one of the centerpieces of digital transformation, not least of all for its ability to assist with critical business decisions. View the infographic to discover seven ways how AI can help drive better decisions for marketers, and for businesses in general.

View: 7 ways AI can help improve decision making for marketers

Microsoft for Government: narrative, scenarios, and solutions

Public institutions provide hundreds of services, and each of them represents an opportunity to use digital to increase their efficiency and reach. But so many options can seem overwhelming, and crafting a compelling, insight-filled narrative can go a long way to effectively transmitting the real benefits that governments can experience with digital transformation. In this infographic, we'll provide you with the most common scenarios that provide opportunities for governments to go digital with Microsoft for Government. We've also included examples of impactful solutions for each scenario that have allowed public institutions to obtain outstanding results with digital. After reading it, you'll be better equipped to craft attention-grabbing pitches for all branches of government institutions including Civilian Government & Public Safety, and Defense & Intelligence.

View: Microsoft for Government: narrative, scenarios, and solutions

Empower your entire organization with Microsoft Teams

You've just arrived at the office, booted up your computer or laptop, and filled your first cup of coffee. You sit back down, take a sip, and what do you see? Chances are it's a login screen. Hastily, you type in your username and password and get on with a productive day. At least that was the idea, until you remember you forgot to send Karen from HR your vacation request form. You try to reach her by email but to no avail, so you boot up the informal messenger that everyone in the office uses because the legacy messenger set up years ago crashes when you send so much as an emoji. But of course, you once again need to type in your login info, only to see that Janice is not online. So ultimately you end up making two trips to HR (on the first trip, you forgot to staple your vacation balance because the document is stored in a separate internal SharePoint) to finally get your vacation approved. Ready to throw your computer out a window yet? We don't blame you. This scenario may seem comical, but it's a reality that thousands of employees must endure thanks to the lack of a single, unified digital workspace. Preferably one that can be implemented across your entire organization and serve as a hub for all documents and teams to collaborate, within and across projects. After reading this infographic, you'll learn how each department within your business can utilize Microsoft Teams to become more efficient, store documents securely, and collaborate seamlessly with any peer or colleague.

View: Empower your entire organization with Microsoft Teams

Windows Virtual Desktop Solution Overview

Get all the tools and resources you need to migrate your apps, data, and infrastructure at your own pace with confidence. Learn how Windows Virtual Desktop expands capabilities with the best virtualized end-user experience in the video below.