January 27, 2021

Enable machine learning, video analytics, and the cloud to create alluring in-store experiences. Learn more about Microsoft Retail Solutions.

Insights are digital transformation's best friend. With accurate insights, you obtain a deep understanding of your environment as well as what your customers want and expect from your business. In other words, they're a key enabler for all your digital initiatives and are crucial in the development of new business opportunities. Subscribe now to stay updated on how you can leverage data-rich sources, advanced analytics, and Microsoft to improve your retail environment and enhance your customers' experiences.

View: Enable machine learning, video analytics, and the cloud to create alluring in-store experiences. Learn more about Microsoft Retail Solutions.

Empower employees and citizens with connected mobile experiences. Get started with Microsoft for Government.

In an interconnected, constantly moving world, reaching thousands—or even millions—of citizens requires governments to go above and beyond traditional media outlets. Providing access to services through mobile applications is therefore essential to guarantee the availability of public services and ensure that citizens have an open channel to communicate their needs and concerns. Furthermore, supporting public employees with flexible mobile tools can empower them to do increasingly more effective field work and become more efficient with their time. Subscribe now to learn more about how you can transform your organization into a modern digital workplace with Microsoft for Government.

View: Empower employees and citizens with connected mobile experiences. Get started with Microsoft for Government.

Why use .NET on Azure?

When you use Microsoft .NET apps, you get Visual Studio tools and over 100 cloud services. You also benefit from faster, simpler development.

View: Why use .NET on Azure?

Leading the IoT: Gartner insights on how to lead in a connected world

The IoT is changing today's organizations into digital businesses. It's also creating innovative business models, boosting efficiency, and fostering engagement in both employees and customers. Change is not always smooth, however. Sometimes the only way to adapt and stay relevant is by radically reinventing the way things have been done in the past, which can be a painful process for some companies. There are other barriers to entry for IoT as well: most enterprises don't know where to start implementing the technology; moreover, if strategies do exist, there's almost always a conflict regarding who owns them. During these discussions, it's the job of the CIO to fill the resulting IoT leadership void. This book provides CIOs and IT leaders with a solid foundation for starting business conversations, developing initiatives, and creating successful IoT strategies with a quick time-to-market. Subscribe now to download your copy.

View: Leading the IoT: Gartner insights on how to lead in a connected world

January 26, 2021

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Fashion retailer BESTSELLER trims fraud and loss with Dynamics 365 Fraud Protection

Like other brands across the industry, fashion retailer BESTSELLER needed a powerful solution to quickly identify and investigate potential sources of fraud and inventory loss in its thousands of stores across the globe. BESTSELLER used Microsoft Dynamics 365 Fraud Protection to spot patterns of activity that suggested fraud and remedy the situation. After a successful pilot deployment, BESTSELLER rolled out Fraud Protection across its stores in Europe and eventually the world. The company projected that it saved millions of dollars as a result, while also boosting BESTSELLER's core value of trust.

Work remotely, stay secure

As businesses have had to quickly pivot to new working environments, cyberattacks become an urgent concern. In this thought leadership article, you can learn some of best practices using Microsoft security that help ensure the best protection. Examples include secure access to cloud applications that protect sign-ins with security defaults, methods to manage and secure corporate data in approved apps on personal devices, and providing clear and basic information, including how to protect their devices, will help you and employees stay ahead of threats so they can remain productive.


Carlsberg Group successfully migrates SAP to Microsoft Azure

Discover how the Carlsberg Group has successfully migrated SAP to Microsoft Azure. Migrating their environment to the cloud has helped them drive business performance and achieve digital transformation by streamlining their IT infrastructure.

Combatting financial crime infographic

In December 2018, five federal agencies in the US issued a joint statement encouraging banks to implement innovative approaches to transform fraud operations. As a recognized leader in security, Microsoft developed an advanced AI-powered fraud protection system to rise to the challenge. This infographic outlines how Microsoft uses AI to combat cyber and financial crime.

View: Combatting financial crime infographic

January 25, 2021

FINNING | Challenges and Opportunities with IoT Apps on Azure Cloud

Every role within an organization needs specific tools and data to do their job as best they can. This task is more complex than it sounds, though. Without the required scalability and customization options, even small businesses can struggle when obtaining relevant information, let alone large, multinational corporations. If done right, however, the payoff is well worth it. Companies gain access to previously untapped data sources and the ability to filter such data according to each person's role within the organization. When combined with the right integrated productivity tools and digital collaboration software, this allows for unparalleled levels of adaptability, efficiency, and risk management. In this video, you'll learn how Finning has utilized IoT to connect its entire organization, enabling each person to view relevant data depending on their role within the company.

Kroger: Video analytics for action

Customizability in the retail industry can prove quite challenging. It requires tons of data, the capacity to accurately analyze said data, and the creativity to innovate based upon the results obtained. All of this must be executed while ensuring an intuitive shopping experience that maximizes available space and avoids over-saturation, both visually and physically. If this sounds complex, that's because it is—but when done properly, it can unlock a myriad of opportunities to provide your shoppers with tailor-made experiences. In this video, you'll watch how Kroger, the largest supermarket chain in the U.S., is utilizing video analytics to improve operations and create revenue-generating customer experiences.

City of Houston: Enabling a mobile workforce

Population growth is an inevitable aspect of modern cities, and with it comes the need for better infrastructure, more accessible services, and innovative communications channels that provide two-way communication between the government and its citizens. A bigger population also requires more public employees that serve as the eyes and ears of government institutions, and help ensure that critical services are provided to their city's most vulnerable populations. In this video, you'll watch how the City of Houston, Texas is using digital transformation to actively prepare for an increase of three million people during the next twelve to fifteen years. You'll also learn how the city is using Microsoft technology to provide its 22,000 employees with mobile solutions they can use to communicate effectively in both the field and the office.

January 20, 2021

Microsoft's Windows Virtual Desktop spring refresh: What's new and next

Microsoft is improving the Windows Virtual Desktop management experience, Teams, and more. Microsoft continues to make changes to improve the overall Windows Virtual Desktop experience for users—those working remotely and in-office. Check out the new features and what's next for Windows Virtual Desktop here.


The Great IT Awakening

In the U.S. alone, 4.6 million IT workers supervise security, manage software, and process data to streamline information for organizations of all sizes. This current period has been called the Fourth Industrial Revolution, and it has led to massive changes in the ways we live and work. In this in-depth article from the New York Times, look at how the IT industry is looking to cloud technology to modernize and revolutionize.


Kroger's smart shelves ditch the paper, drop the lights, and delight the shoppers

Successful digital transformation initiatives are all about efficiency, customization, and complementing human ingenuity. They also strive to create more sustainable businesses, and their impact usually has disruptive, long-lasting effects that cascade across multiple industries, especially those in which processes were hard to update because of technological limitations. In the supermarket industry, for example, paper price tags, coupons, and pamphlets with weekly offers were the norm for decades. Because of this, the shopping experience was pretty much the same—until now. In this article, you'll gain insights into Kroger's Enhanced Display for Grocery Environment (EDGE) and how it leverages Microsoft Azure and IoT sensors to create a unique, personalized shopping experience for consumers—all while saving more than 1.7 billion kilowatt hours since its implementation.


Shipping company navigates to the cloud, boosts security, cuts operating costs by 50%

Qatari shipping and maritime company Nakilat has one of the world's largest fleets of liquefied natural gas (LNG) carriers, transporting LNG from Qatar to global markets. To increase its competitive advantage, Nakilat wanted to improve employee productivity and mobility, without compromising on data security. It uses Microsoft 365 and Microsoft Cloud App Security to deliver highly secure cloud-first workplaces—shipboard and in the office. Nakilat also adopted the Microsoft Azure platform to optimize its operations and improve business continuity, reducing operating costs by 50 percent. See more in this video.

Incredible Real-World Applications Prove the IoT Is Here to Stay

As author Peter Daisyme accurately puts it, "While many people debate whether little computers in wrist devices, clothing, refrigerators and vehicles will truly change our lives, actionable change is already occurring on the business application side of the IoT." Regardless of which side of the argument you're on, the impact the IoT is having in our societies at a macro level is undeniable. While you're reading this, devices that measure and predict air pollution, vehicle traffic levels, machine failure rates, fire warnings, and crime rates are being employed to improve the lives of hundreds of thousands of people. And as cities and businesses become more interconnected by the hour, we'll find more and more useful ways in which the IoT can help us better utilize our resources and lift the burden we put on our environment. In this article, you'll gain deeper insights into how IoT devices are being used by companies and governments alike to obtain accurate data across many potentially life-saving use cases. You'll also learn about what the future holds in store for us as cities powered by artificial intelligence become near-sentient beings capable of reacting in real time to the habits and living conditions of their inhabitants.


January 19, 2021

Three important information security predictions for 2020

As digital transformation evolves with each passing year, so too does the information security landscape. For organizations that leverage cloud technology, this means staying updated on new ways to prevent and counter cybersecurity threats while relying on trustworthy sources of information for insights into future potential security developments and circumstances. In this article, you'll learn about three critical cybersecurity predictions for 2020, the impact each may have on the digital business landscape, and how your business can act to avoid being affected.


Microsoft Threat Protection stops attack sprawl and auto-heals enterprise assets with built-in intelligence and automation

Attackers will cross multiple domains like email, identity, endpoints, and applications to find the point of least resistance. Today's defense solutions have been designed to protect, detect, and block threats for each domain separately, allowing attackers to exploit the seams and threshold differences between solutions—leaving the business vulnerable to attack. Microsoft Threat Protection stops attack sprawl and auto-heals enterprise assets with built in intelligence and automation. Read on to learn more.


How-to Videos for Windows Virtual Desktop

Windows Virtual Desktop provides the most productive and most secure experience for users. Get up and running with this best-in-class Microsoft program by watching these how-to videos.

The 3 phases of an effective IoT strategy

IoT is quickly becoming the most important business revolution of the digital age, with its implications being felt across all industries worldwide. However, unlocking the true potential of IoT requires not only a clear roadmap with specific objectives, but also a solid front-end and back-end infrastructure that's capable of making sense of the data obtained. It's for this reason that both public and private organizations sometimes struggle when implementing a successful IoT strategy and fail to reach the desired return-on-investment (ROI). To address the risks you may encounter with IoT, we've created this short, insightful infographic. After reading it, you'll have a better idea of the tools and actions you should be executing during each of the three stages of IoT implementation to overcome challenges and maximize effectiveness. You'll also obtain a straightforward checklist that your teams can refer to when establishing or optimizing their strategies.

View: The 3 phases of an effective IoT strategy

Take advantage of three emerging technologies driving change in retail

Now, more than ever, consumers expect convenience when it comes to buying products and obtaining services. For retail businesses, this means accurately predicting what customers want before they even set foot in the store, and delivering it in a way that requires the least amount of effort on their part. Thankfully, digital has empowered retail stores with innovative tools that can deliver relevant offers while creating memorable experiences that generate great customer reviews. In this infographic, you'll learn about three emerging technologies available within Microsoft Dynamics 365 that are driving the evolution of retail experiences.

View: Take advantage of three emerging technologies driving change in retail

January 18, 2021

6 risks and opportunities of the intelligent, connected cloud

No technology is a hundred percent failproof, and as businesses get more and more digitalized, they're also unwillingly increasing the risk of someone stealing their data or compromising their credibility. Therefore, before taking their business to the cloud, organizations must carefully choose the platforms that ensure the safety and compliance of their data while enabling them to seize the opportunities available to them. In this infographic, you'll catch a glimpse of both sides of cloud technology: on one hand, the immense opportunities it provides in terms of innovation and mobility; and on the other, the risks that businesses must be aware of to safeguard the continuity of their operations in the digital world.

View: 6 risks and opportunities of the intelligent, connected cloud

Why Trust Windows Virtual Desktop?

Quickly deploy virtual desktops and apps to enable secure remote work. Microsoft continues to invest in cybersecurity research and development and makes changes to improve the overall Windows Virtual Desktop experience for employees. Learn how this program can be a tool to keep your workload safe.

View: Why Trust Windows Virtual Desktop?

Customer Story of RLH Corporation, Dynamics 365, and Teams

Discover how Red Lion Hotels Corporation uses Dynamics 365 and Teams to digitally transform their internal processes to drive higher guest satisfaction. With a vision to lead the hotel industry with technology, there's been a shift in RLH's reliance on IT. See how this top hotel chain is maximizing Microsoft solutions in this video story.

January 13, 2021

Replace labor redundancy and manual tasks with digital efficiency. Subscribe now to learn more.

Digital technology has forever changed the dynamics between customers and companies. Companies must continually reinvent their business by going one step ahead of ever-evolving digital trends or risk becoming silent observers while their industry is led by other businesses more adept at digital transformation. Subscribe now to learn how your business can leave behind inefficient processes, duplicate tasks, and a reliance on physical workplace tools to become an active player in today's digital game.

View: Replace labor redundancy and manual tasks with digital efficiency. Subscribe now to learn more.

Greater Security

Greater security at lower cost with the expertise and power of Microsoft security solutions. Learn more about simplifying and fortifying with Microsoft security.

View: Greater Security

Subscribe Now

Optimize your cloud experience while lowering costs for Windows Server desktops and apps. Don't miss out on all the amazing features Windows Virtual Desktop has to offer. Subscribe now to learn more.

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Use digital transformation to deliver outstanding retail experiences. Learn more about Microsoft Strategic Retail Solutions.

It's no secret that modern consumers are unforgiving. But then again, never before have businesses been armed with so many options for creating exceptional experiences, and becoming more efficient organizations. Digital transformation has become the great equalizer between large and small to medium-sized retailers, and thanks to tools like Microsoft Dynamics 365, turning revenue-increasing initiatives into reality is easier than ever. Subscribe now to learn more about the digitalization of retail and how you can get started re-envisioning your business with Microsoft.

View: Use digital transformation to deliver outstanding retail experiences. Learn more about Microsoft Strategic Retail Solutions.

January 12, 2021

Drive security and compliance across the entirety of your business. Learn more about Microsoft 365.

Regardless of the nature of your organization, keeping your data secure and ensuring compliance are two of the most demanding priorities. After all, what good is creativity, efficiency, and talent if they can get easily stolen, copied, or shut down because of outdated technology? The good news is that even though these requirements are as crucial as they've ever been, never before have businesses been vested with so many alternatives to customize the way they do business. In fact, the cloud has allowed organizations to shift their manpower from security and compliance to increasing productivity and innovation. Subscribe now to learn about digital transformation success stories and how you can ensure your business remains secure and compliant with Microsoft.

View: Drive security and compliance across the entirety of your business. Learn more about Microsoft 365.

Adapt business processes to changing technologies and demand

Modernize, automate, and adapt with Microsoft tools. Discover how to update technologies to solve changes, cut costs, and save time—transforming your organization. Microsoft solutions and business applications make the process seamless. For all the latest insights into agile business processes, plus news and tips, subscribe now.

View: Adapt business processes to changing technologies and demand

Kennametal embraces Microsoft cloud strategy to drive business innovation

Kennametal has invested heavily in Microsoft cloud technologies as part of its digital transformation journey to reduce costs, increase productivity, and empower workers to deliver superior results for their customers. In this video, see how they utilize Microsoft Azure cloud platform and services to Microsoft Dynamics 365 business applications to Microsoft 365 productivity, security, and mobility tools. Kennametal believes that Microsoft resources will help the company fulfill its business promises.

FINNING | Digital Transformation on the Azure Cloud

In 2015, Finning decided to upgrade its customer experience strategy. The goal: to double down on interconnectivity and integration by using IoT devices to obtain data from all available touchpoints. Watch this video to learn how Finning managed to overcome two of the construction industry's main challenges—disconnected data and paper-based processes—and reap the benefits of digital transformation with Azure IoT.

Kroger​: Digital shelves entice customers

Some would argue that grocery shopping, price tags, and offers go hand in hand. However, traditional paper coupons and price tags are extremely inefficient. First and foremost, they're the opposite of environmentally friendly and most of them end up as unrecycled waste. Then there's the issue of production costs, which not only include the production of thousands of assets, but also the logistics of their storage and distribution. Lastly, there's the manual effort involved in changing, including, or updating hundreds of price tags across retail stores. Thankfully, digital transformation has allowed for creative and effective ways for grocery stores to leave paper behind forever. In this video, you'll learn how retail industry giant Kroger is leading the way to more efficient, impactful, and eco-friendly supermarket experiences.

January 11, 2021

The City of Houston: Security as a job

Ensuring citizen safety is the utmost concern of any local government. With so many things that can go wrong at any given time, it pays to have the best technology available aiding these efforts to enable accurate situation analysis, quick response times, and effective monitoring of the response teams involved. Fortunately, digital transformation has empowered the rapid evolution of cities' response protocols and opened the door for new capabilities to be integrated into their existing efforts. In this video, you'll learn how the City of Houston has embraced digital, and the IoT to ensure disaster recovery and response, keeping schools safe, and guaranteeing transportation, trust, and mobility.

New tools to help IT empower employees securely in a remote work world

Enable your users to work from anywhere with confidence by controlling information access across different device endpoints and networks. Additionally, learn how you can benefit from new Microsoft Windows Virtual Desktop features to enhance meeting experiences and ensure cost effectiveness.


Modernize sales productivity

Discover how to streamline your sales processes and get seamless Microsoft Office 365 integration with Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Sales Professional. Focus on what's most important with complete customer interaction history, guidance toward optimal outcomes, and rich interactive dashboards. Streamline seller workflows with sales capabilities embedded in Office 365, mobile apps, and built-in collaboration. With Dynamics 365 for Sales Professional, modernizing seller productivity is the simpler way to build sales momentum and boost productivity.

January 6, 2021

Supply chain maturity

Read the data: the top digital technologies being invested in over the next 3 years include Analytics and Cloud. It took 30 years for the industry to get from Reactive Identification to Management by Exceptions. Since technology refresh cycles are becoming rapidly compressed, Frost and Sullivan estimates that continued investment in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning will spur the industry to reach level 6—analytics driving self-loop optimization—within the next 7 years. Check out the infographic for details.

View: Supply chain maturity

How Entrepreneurs Are Connecting the World With IoT

As we enter a new decade, the number of IoT-connected devices is predicted to grow 3x from 2019 to 2020, totaling 21 billion devices. As competition increases, so does innovation, and companies across the world are coming up with new uses and applications for the ever-increasing number of devices that are turned on each day. In this Entrepreneur.com article, you'll learn how companies and startups are finding new market niches to exploit the near unlimited potential of IoT technology, and how they're causing disruptive waves that ripple across different trades to nurture a near trillion-dollar industry.


RapidDeploy helps first responders defend public safety with Azure Sentinel

RapidDeploy creates its Cloud Aided Dispatch systems to help first responders act quickly to protect the public. There's a lot at stake, and the company's cloud-native platform must be secure against an array of serious cybersecurity threats. So, when RapidDeploy implemented a Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) system, it chose Microsoft Azure Sentinel, one of the world's first cloud-native SIEMs. See the full story in the video below.


All you need to know about Windows Virtual Desktop

Windows Virtual Desktop is the only cloud-based service that delivers a multi-user Windows 10 experience, optimized for Office 365 ProPlus—which means you can deliver a virtual desktop experience and remote apps to any device with cost advantages previously only possible with server-based virtualization. Here's all you need to know about WVD.

Securing the hybrid cloud with Azure Security Center and Azure Sentinel

Infrastructure security is top-of-mind for organizations managing workloads on-premises, in the cloud, or hybrid. Azure Security Center provides unified security management by identifying and fixing misconfigurations and providing visibility into threats to quickly remediate them. Azure Sentinel collects data from Azure Security Center. Learn more about this integrated and efficient solution in this article.


January 5, 2021

Microsoft makes it easier to get started with Windows Virtual Desktops

With a massive shift from working in-office to working remotely, Microsoft made updates to make it effortless for users to work with Windows Virtual Desktop. Learn what steps Brad Anderson, Vice President for Microsoft 365, and his team took to make the program easier for customers to use.


9 pro tips to get started with low code

Developing apps is often seen as complex, costly, and time-consuming. However, using an innovative approach known as low-code development, anyone can create powerful business apps without requiring traditional coding skills. Developing apps is often seen as complex, costly, and time-consuming. However, using an innovative approach known as low-code development, anyone can create powerful business apps without requiring traditional coding skills. The low-code approach is simple enough for beginners to build high-value apps—and sophisticated enough to meet the needs of professional developers tackling complex challenges. In both scenarios, it dramatically reduces the amount of work involved in getting an app up and running. Read here for more:

View: 9 pro tips to get started with low code

Finding the right IoT solution for your business

It's no secret that IoT is revolutionizing business around the world. However, investing in IoT is not as simple as investing money in new platforms or applications. The real challenge lies in finding a model that works for your business and adjusts to your organization's focus and competitive advantage. In other words, it's the opposite of a one-size-fits-all approach, and making the wrong choice can have profound consequences that can take years to overcome. In this infographic, we'll cover the distinctions between Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) and Platform-as-a-Service models, as well as explain the main variables that can determine where your business stands when choosing one of these models.

View: Finding the right IoT solution for your business

Kroger success story: teaser video

It's time to go grocery shopping: you've built your list—a critical requirement and pro move—and written down everything you need. Before digital transformation, you simply got into your car and drove to the supermarket of choice. But what was that choice based upon? Distance, price, product selection? Most likely it was a combination of the three, but rarely was it the uniqueness of your experience with the store's brand. In other words, if two supermarkets offered the same price ranges, product selections, and were right next to each other, most people wouldn't mind shopping at one or the other. This was an obvious problem for grocery stores. But without digital, the dynamics of grocery shopping were pretty much set in stone. In this video, you'll see how Kroger—the United States' largest supermarket by revenue and the second-largest general retailer—embraced digital transformation, and learn about their vision for using the tools available to offer new services and experiences to their customers.

The City of Houston Success Story: Video teaser

For local governments, digital transformation isn't just a means of optimizing their daily operations or becoming more efficient—it's also about potentially saving and improving the lives of thousands (even millions) of citizens. In other words, it's about leveraging accurate, predictable data to be prepared for events such as an increase in population or a natural disaster. Thankfully, the increased availability of digital tools and a growing integration between devices and systems is bringing cities closer than ever to this reality. In this video, you'll learn about the City of Houston, Texas' vision for becoming an interconnected hub for technological advancement and innovation, thanks to the tools provided by always-on digital technology.

January 4, 2021

Microsoft Sentinel

Azure Sentinel is intelligent security analytics for your entire enterprise. Collect data, detect threats, investigate incidents, and rapidly respond with Sentinel.

View: Microsoft Sentinel

Why Windows Virtual Desktop

Setting up Windows Virtual Desktop enables users to increase productivity and security. Learn how you can develop and scale your products and services on demand with Windows Virtual Desktop.

View: Why Windows Virtual Desktop

Office 365 and Dynamics Relationship Analytics for Sales

See a demonstration of how Microsoft's Office 365, Dynamics 365 and LinkedIn are better together and give sales teams a unique advantage that drives more revenue.