February 24, 2021

Expand your offerings portfolio with innovative digital solutions. Get started with Microsoft Retail Solutions.

Merchandise and customer service have traditionally been the main focus of the retail industry's portfolio. Digital transformation now allows retailers to expand on their main capabilities and develop innovative solutions that boost their bottom line, as well as that of their partners and clients. Digital is reshaping retail into a more diverse, tech-infused industry where innovation is king and disruption creates new collaboration opportunities. Subscribe now to learn how to get the most from your existing retail applications by leveraging Microsoft technology to diversify your service portfolio.

View: Expand your offerings portfolio with innovative digital solutions. Get started with Microsoft Retail Solutions.

Inspire and empower employees with cloud-based collaboration. Get started with Microsoft 365.

Today's organizations need flexible, secure, and intuitive digital tools that allow employees to perform their jobs from virtually anywhere. Organizations also require seamless collaboration capabilities that foster innovative ideas and allow them to mature into high-impact initiatives. Thankfully, getting the most out of the industry's leading productivity applications has never been easier. Subscribe now to learn how you can transform your business into a modern, cloud-based workplace with the help of Microsoft 365.

View: Inspire and empower employees with cloud-based collaboration. Get started with Microsoft 365.

Reduce costs with unbeatable offers

While innovation has supplanted cost savings as the primary driver of cloud migration for many businesses, moving to the cloud needs to make sense for your bottom line. Microsoft Azure offers unique cost savings options.

View: Reduce costs with unbeatable offers

February 23, 2021

Start your IoT journey with industry-leading SaaS and PaaS offerings. Learn more about Microsoft Azure IoT.

Regardless of your business or industry, it's most likely that your digital transformation initiatives require a stable, secure, and flexible platform that can scale and adapt to your projected growth. You also want a flexible business partner, one that can adapt to your established methodologies and effectively complement your teams' unique strengths. Subscribe now to learn how you can leverage Microsoft Azure IoT and the Microsoft Partner Program to create growth-enabling digital transformation and long-term partnerships that drive success for your business.

View: Start your IoT journey with industry-leading SaaS and PaaS offerings. Learn more about Microsoft Azure IoT.

Accelerate your financial performance with Dynamics 365 Finance

Learn how organizations drive profitability and innovation using predictive financial insights with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance. Dynamics 365 Finance enables users to modernize their global financial operations, monitor performance in real time, predict future outcomes, and make data-driven decisions to foster business growth.

The most common types of healthcare fraud

The healthcare sector faces constant threats from fraud, waste, and abuse. It's estimated that $455 billion is lost every year from FWA. This informative thought leadership piece outlines the many kinds of fraud affecting the healthcare system, including false billing, upcoding, unbundling, and unnecessary services.


FINNING | Value of Partners in Azure Cloud Application Building

Team synergy is critical to ensuring the success of a project. But this isn't just a matter of putting people together in a project and expecting results. An active effort must be made to ensure everybody is well aware of their role, scope, and how to collaborate so that all teams can create a methodology that pushes the project forward on time and within budget. In this video, you'll learn how Finning, the world's largest Caterpillar dealer, has created a culture of collaboration with their digital transformation partner to drive successful IoT initiatives, and how they made it all possible by using Azure IoT.

Retail as a service

Innovative solutions that increase revenue and generate industrywide disruption are the Holy Grail of digital transformation. Developing such solutions isn't simple, though. It requires accurate insights, significant research and development (R&D), and a stable, accessible platform that can make the solution easily available to partners and clients. The effort can be well worth it, as groundbreaking applications can open up new revenue streams, enable complementary capabilities, and foster long-lasting partnerships that can elevate a business to new heights. In this video, you'll learn how the Kroger Co. technology division is leading the industry by leveraging Microsoft tools to provide its own innovations as a new offering: retail as a service.

February 22, 2021

City of Houston: Collaborative tools

One of the defining aspects of modern productivity and collaboration tools is their ability to unify an entire organization in a single hub where ideas can be proposed and shared. This capability is crucial for keeping information from being siloed and ensuring that stakeholders have the highest possible visibility into their projects. Collaboration tools also play a key role in fostering innovation and mobility. They allow team members to instantly propose ways that ideas and processes can be improved, and do so from virtually any device or location in the world. In this video, you'll see how the city of Houston, Texas, is using digital transformation to increase efficiency by empowering its employees via the collaboration capabilities of Microsoft 365.

Five tips to help you save money and manage costs with Azure

Find out how you can take advantage of offers and tools to maximize your efficiency with Microsoft Azure. Watch this video to get 5 tips to help you save on costs and learn about the tools available to help you efficiently move to the cloud.

Maturity of effort infographic

Microsoft promotes a mature view of risk analytics. This infographic details the tiers of maturity many organizations must work through before reaching an advanced degree of security.

View: Maturity of effort infographic

February 17, 2021

The Importance of Marrying IoT to Consumer Products for Ease of Life

The number of connected IoT devices in 2017 was 27 billion, and by 2030 it's expected to grow to 125 billion. This means that the functionality and use scenarios for the IoT will continuously expand and permeate across all areas of consumer products, therefore improving the lifestyles and health of users worldwide. But exactly how are IoT devices being used in the consumer product space to increase customer satisfaction and make businesses more efficient? Read this article to gain an accurate perspective into the reach that the IoT will have in the consumer product space and how businesses will leverage IoT devices to drive innovation across the industry.


Cloud Migration Essentials

This eBook provides guidance throughout the cloud migration process, from initial considerations to the tools required. Learn how to approach your cloud migration, assess your servers, virtual machines and applications, confidently execute your migration, and optimize your cloud services.

View: Cloud Migration Essentials

Optimize financial operations and minimize loss from fraud

Microsoft optimizes financial operations while minimizing loss of revenue from fraud. Subscribe now!

View: Optimize financial operations and minimize loss from fraud

Retail in the 2020s: The death of consumerism?

Thanks to new technologies and rising customer expectations, retailers have become experience hubs for millions of shoppers around the world. It's no secret that retail has fully embraced digital transformation, leading many experts to speculate about where the industry is heading next and what to expect from retail experiences going forward. In this article, you'll learn about the six main forces that will play key roles in determining this decade's retail technology.


February 16, 2021

The Benefits Of SaaS For Managing Cloud Security Threats

As business become more digitalized, they must learn to contend with the increasing number of cloud security threats and incidents. Therefore, investing in the tools that can give them the ability to deal with and overcome these issues is quickly becoming every modern organization's primary concern. These tools, however, must ensure the security of enterprises' data while allowing them to remain flexible, productive, and efficient. In this regard, software-as-a-service (SaaS) has become the top choice for today's leading organizations thanks to its ability to safeguard information while reducing costs and providing employees with intuitive applications. In this article, you'll learn how SaaS models like Microsoft 365 have become key in helping businesses' IT departments keep information secure in today's highly connected world.


Ullman Dynamics's migration to Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central

Explore how Ullman Dynamics, the world leader in suspension seats, is transforming their business by migrating to Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central and the cloud.

Dun & Bradstreet: Better decisions through data

Each day, Dun & Bradstreet receives 5 million database updates from over 30,000 global sources. This results in the world's largest commercial database, which can be used to improve business processes and make profitable decisions.

The 7 properties of highly secure devices

Every day, new IoT devices are powering up around the world. Each one represents a source of insights into customer behavior and provides the data required to create and monitor impactful strategies. On the flip side, all of them also represent a possible entry point for malicious software and cybercriminals to steal sensitive business information and permanently damage an organization's reputation. To counter this threat, enterprise security has gotten increasingly elaborate and effective at creating multiple security systems depending on the property of each device and its relationship with the customer. In this infographic, you'll learn about the 7 properties that help modern IoT devices stay safe from cyber attacks and keep hackers at bay.

View: The 7 properties of highly secure devices

The challenges faced by today's retail stakeholders

As digital transformation touches every aspect of the retail industry, it's in retailers' best interest to embrace innovative applications that add customer value and improve operations. This is easier said than done, though, because the specific needs of individual retail stakeholders must be taken into consideration in planning and executing every digital initiative. In this infographic, we'll take a look at the needs of the industry's main stakeholders and how customer-facing solutions can help them meet the main challenges of their various roles.

View: The challenges faced by today's retail stakeholders

February 15, 2021

A modern focus on enterprise protection

Moving to the cloud is crucial for today's businesses to get the most out of digital transformation. However, the increased integration of mobile and cloud technologies creates a higher risk for data to be stolen or compromised. This at first led enterprises to dedicate an increasing number of resources to IT security in an effort to keep their organization safe from evolving threats, which led to over-sized departments and snowballing IT maintenance costs. Thankfully, the cloud has evolved to become businesses' greatest tool for reducing cyberattacks and has allowed them to enable more agile IT departments while keeping their information more secure than ever. In this infographic, you'll learn about Microsoft 365 E5's comprehensive approach to security and how it empowers organizations by giving them complete control and oversight of their enterprise data.

View: A modern focus on enterprise protection

Azure App Service

This infographic illustrates the world-class flexibility, security, integration, and reliability of Azure App Service - a fully managed platform for building, deploying, and scaling your web apps.

View: Azure App Service

February 10, 2021

Measure value, efficiency, and cost effectiveness with accurate, real-time data. Subscribe now to learn more about Microsoft Azure IoT.

Data is everything in today's digital world. Simply put, those businesses without the means to accurately extract data from their processes adapt more slowly than those that do. And in a world with increasing customer expectations and constantly evolving technology, gaining access to this information is no longer just a choice. There is a bright side to this situation, though. As technology becomes more accessible, so do your options for implementing and creating successful digital strategies. Today's leading platforms like Microsoft Azure IoT are not only easier to deploy, but also more flexible in their requirements and maintenance, giving your company the choice of executing them in the way that best aligns with your objectives. Subscribe now to learn how digital transformation and the IoT can put you in total control of your business, as well as how you can get started with Microsoft.

View: Measure value, efficiency, and cost effectiveness with accurate, real-time data. Subscribe now to learn more about Microsoft Azure IoT.

Protect your data with secure and resilient productivity applications. Get started with Microsoft 365.

Whether public or private, today's organizations must adapt to an online and mobile-first world. This means investing in scalable solutions that guarantee ROI by increasing productivity and achieving widespread adoption. Furthermore, it also involves ensuring that all their applications are flexible enough to integrate new features or updates, and that their data remains secure across every touchpoint. Subscribe now to learn how you can leverage the productivity and security features of Microsoft 365 to create a more resilient, cloud-first business.

View: Protect your data with secure and resilient productivity applications. Get started with Microsoft 365.

Complement your in-store experiences with interactive customer applications. Get started with Microsoft Retail Solutions.

Not long ago, retailers feared online stores would render their businesses obsolete. Thankfully, the industry quickly adapted to living in an online, mobile world, and consumers have proven they can't get enough of the unique experiences provided by innovative retailers. That being said, the industry is moving at an unprecedented speed, and always-on digital solutions are no longer the exception, but the norm within the retail industry. Subscribe now to learn how you can use digital transformation to increase sales, ensure returning customers, and secure your business with Microsoft Retail Solutions.

View: Complement your in-store experiences with interactive customer applications. Get started with Microsoft Retail Solutions.

UFA modernizes vital retail and fueling solutions with D365 Finance Insights

The United Farmers of Alberta Co-operative Limited (UFA) is a prominent agriculture Co-operative that supplies a variety of services and products to its customers. UFA hit a roadblock when its on-premises SAP infrastructure began slowing productivity and creating errors, so they approached Microsoft for help. UFA migrated their SAP to Microsoft Azure in just over a month, eliminating performance issues, reducing software implementation times, and gaining scalability.

GE powers its culture of curiosity with the Microsoft cloud

GE is transforming from an industrial leader to a digital industrial leader, using software and sensors to make its machines connected, responsive, and pred...

February 9, 2021

It only takes a click... the small business risk checklist

In this article, explore how small businesses can better assesses the risk(s) to them from criminal behavior, include phishing and other cyber-attacks. Then review the scope of activities you need to consider and a checklist you can follow.


FINNING | Providing Measurable customer value increased operational efficiancy and consistent growth with IoT

Many companies would view competing in industries where labor-intensive tasks, disconnected data sources, and paper-based processes are the norm as a hard challenge. Others, like Finning—the world's largest Caterpillar dealer—saw this as an opportunity to disrupt and innovate within the construction industry through digital transformation. Watch this video to learn how Finning collaborated with a Microsoft Gold Partner to enable the unification of disparate data sources using IoT devices, and how this strategy allowed the company to substantially upgrade its customer service experience.

City of Houston: Optimizing business processes

In any type of organization, ensuring the resilience of your applications is a top priority. In other words, protecting your data against any and all threats is important, but certifying the recoverability and safety of your data in case of an incident can be just as crucial to guaranteeing the continuity of your business. This is especially important for public entities and governments, whose records include the data of millions of citizens, providers, and classified documents. For these organizations, constantly optimizing business processes to ensure the security and resilience of all their devices, platforms, and applications must become a vital part of their overall digital strategy. In this video, you'll gain insights into how the City of Houston, Texas leverages Microsoft technology to constantly improve the reliability of their data and increase the effectiveness of their public services.

Kroger: Next-gen mobile shopping

Regardless of how skilled you are at creating shopping lists or how well you know your local supermarket's floor layout, you'll most likely be revisiting the same aisles in search of items you missed. In other words, shopping for groceries is far from becoming the most time-efficient activity on people's to-do lists—or at least that's how it was until digital transformation came along. Now, thanks to the IoT and cloud technology, grocery retailers are discovering innovative ways to streamline their customers' shopping experiences and increase revenue by providing relevant offers based on their unique profile. In this video, you'll learn how Kroger, the largest U.S. supermarket chain, is using its Scan, Bag, Go solution to help consumers navigate its retail stores in the most efficient way possible. You'll also watch how IoT devices and Microsoft technology integrate seamlessly to enable convenient features such as self-checkout, a real-time subtotal count, and personalized advertising within the store's digital shelves.

4 Trends Impacting Cloud Adoption in 2020

This analysis from Gartner studies 4 trends that will shape cloud adoption in 2020: cost efficiency, multi-cloud vendor flexibility, the impact of cloud IaaS skills on migrations, and advances in service availability made possible by distributed clouds.


February 8, 2021

Transformation potential infographic

Microsoft has the tools, resources, and experience to help your business manage financial risk while fighting against fraud. This infographic visually represents potential vulnerabilities and explains how fraud detection serves to eliminate them.

View: Transformation potential infographic

February 3, 2021

Minimize loss of revenue associated with fraud

Microsoft helps you minimize loss of revenue associated with fraud and wrongful rejections. Subscribe now to learn more!

View: Minimize loss of revenue associated with fraud

8 Ways IoT Devices Can Improve Your Business Office

By now, you're very aware of the hugely successful IoT implementations some companies have released into the market. Wearables, smartphones, smart cars, and even smart traffic lights have made headlines across the world. But what about the stuff that doesn't make headlines? Some IoT applications—such as those we use around the office—may not be as exciting as others, but that doesn't mean they aren't as useful or interesting. In this article, you'll learn about IoT applications that are revolutionizing the workplace and how each of them can add value to products and services we didn't even know could be automated. From coffee machines to smart office heat mapping, these are 8 ways your office could be getting smarter in the near future.


February 2, 2021

Cloud Migration Checklist: Simple steps to start your migration today

This migration checklist provides easy, step-by-step guidance on the tools, planning, and resources you'll need to migrate your apps, data, and infrastructure to the cloud with confidence—no matter where you currently are in the process.

View: Cloud Migration Checklist: Simple steps to start your migration today

6 retail tech trends to watch for that go beyond competing with Amazon

It's been made clear that focusing on their customers' experiences is every retailer's top priority. However, part of the reason why this challenge is so complex is due to the logistics of running a retail business. Backend logistics, manual tasks, paper-intensive procedures, and item return processes are just some of the factors that decision makers and employees must manage daily, which takes away time from strategy or innovation. Thankfully, emerging technologies are enabling businesses to automate the least creative aspects of their daily operations. This, in turn, empowers their workforce to truly focus their attention on what really matters: their customers. In this article, you'll learn about the 6 most defining and value-adding tech trends available for retailers at the turn of this decade.


62% of enterprises sacrifice mobile security for speed

According to Verizon's Mobile Security Index (MSI) 2020, 39 percent of organizations admitted that they've experienced a security compromise involving a mobile device. This becomes much more concerning when you consider that the average loss from a successful business-email compromise attack is nearly $130,000. However, despite the risk and huge losses, only 13 percent of enterprises have adopted regular security screening, data encryption, need-to-know access, and no default passwords corporate wide. So why are companies actively putting themselves at such risk, and what solutions are currently available to protect them from the latest security threats? Learn the answer to these questions and obtain greater insights into today's mobile cybersecurity landscape in this article.


Manage risk and reduce fraud solution overview video

Global losses from fraud topped $90 billion in 2018, with related costs near a crippling $175 billion. Unreliable processes, regulation and compliance, and many more issues add even more layers of risk to your organization. With Microsoft, you can protect your revenue with predictive data and smart automation to help optimize financial operations. Watch this video to see how Manage Financial Risk and Reduce Fraud solutions from Microsoft can help save you time, money, and your reputation.

Create a connected business powered by Microsoft

Imagine you've worked hard to plan and strategize your IoT roadmap. You've finally established what devices you want to connect and how you're going to use that data to drive growth for your business. You've also convinced the board and other stakeholders about your strategy and have gotten the green light to begin ASAP. So you're all set, right? Well, not exactly. What's missing is one of the most challenging and crucial steps for most companies—one that can completely make or break your entire initiative: choosing the correct platform on which to execute your IoT program. Ideally, you want a platform that allows devices to connect seamlessly —of course—but you also need flexibility, scalability, security, and the ability to transform data into dashboards to obtain insights. In this infographic, you'll learn how Microsoft IoT Central meets all of these requirements while delivering an intuitive and highly customizable UI that can and will adapt to your business, not the other way around.

View: Create a connected business powered by Microsoft

February 1, 2021

The retail industry is evolving

It's no secret that the retail industry has evolved significantly since the turn of the century. Heavily influenced by the digital business revolution that took every industry by storm, retailers have seen perhaps one of the most drastic changes in their customer base than any other type of business. So, what are the defining factors that have driven change in the way the retail industry operates? Find out by reading this infographic.

View: The retail industry is evolving

The four pillars of Microsoft 365 enterprise security

In the era of cloud-first and mobile-first technology, productivity and security go hand in hand. This means that when utilizing digital tools, the fact that your data remains secure, encrypted, and in the right hands is just as important - if not more so - than the increase in productivity obtained by using them. Therefore, choosing the correct applications involves a careful understanding of their features so you can avoid leaving your business unprotected or putting a strain on productivity with secure but stiff software. With this infographic, you'll gain a better understanding of how Microsoft 365 not only empowers your employees with tried-and-true productivity features, but also delivers on four key security pillars that ensure enterprise-wide security.

View: The four pillars of Microsoft 365 enterprise security

Why choose .NET?

Learn the basics of .NET with Microsoft's .NET Core 101. This eight-video series discusses what .NET is, what its benefits are, who builds it, and more. Learn how .NET helps you develop high-quality applications faster. You will also learn how to install, debug, and publish apps.