July 27, 2021

Themes for sales success

This infographic provides 4 key themes for sales success, including building and strengthening relationships with key prospects and engaging with the whole buying committee. It also notes that success is all about scale and cross-platform is key.

View: Themes for sales success

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Not long ago, the main way that major research institutes obtained the computing power they needed for new or ongoing projects was to invest in computing infrastructure, which required significant upfront investments and led to ongoing IT costs to keep the research going. By switching to cloud computing, research organizations have discovered that they can increase their computing performance without investing in new physical servers or on-site infrastructure. The benefits of the transition are obvious: faster publication times, substantially faster data analysis, significantly lower IT spending, and increased collaboration among researchers, all thanks to improved data sharing and security. Subscribe now to learn more about how the cloud, artificial intelligence (AI), and the off-premises data management capabilities of Microsoft Azure are empowering organizations—research and otherwise—across the world.

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5 ways to lead effective virtual meetings with your remote teams

With virtual meetings, your team can connect from across the globe. In this article, read 5 tips to help you ensure high productivity and efficiency during your virtual meetings. You'll also learn techniques for keeping cameras on, connecting with your people with empathy, asking if there's anything they need, ensuring there's space for attendees to share their thoughts, and setting an agenda with an outline.


Streamline solutions with Microsoft Teams

Using Microsoft Teams helps you save time by having all solutions in one place for improved collaboration and information sharing. Foster a collaborative environment and embrace the upside of teamwork - frictionless sharing that makes good ideas exceptional.

View: Streamline solutions with Microsoft Teams

July 26, 2021

Customer centricity: A key priority across all lines of business

Customer experience is expected to overtake price and product as the key brand differentiator by 2020. Get ahead of the competition now by personalizing your organization's customer experience strategy. Read the Customer Centricity e-book to learn how to unify your siloed marketing, sales, and service data into a single, intelligent 360-degree customer view by adopting a customer data platform.

View: Customer centricity: A key priority across all lines of business

How NASCAR team Hendrick Motorsports uses Microsoft Teams to win races

For the 2018 racing season, NASCAR imposed new regulations on competitors, including limiting the number of team members allowed on the track during races. For legendary race team Hendrick Motorsports, this meant that many of the race-day crew would now need to perform their critical duties remotely from the team headquarters in Concord, NC. Hendrick Motorsports adjusted to the new regulations with technology, by making Microsoft Teams their new hub for all race communications and decision making.

ANU Large data sets and small budgets

Large upfront costs can severely limit the scope and scalability of important projects. With major research institutes that work on projects where substantial volumes of data need to be analyzed, the investment in computing infrastructure for data processing can be a major concern. They need a solution that can ensure the proper scalability of research projects and eliminate the inefficiencies of having to constantly update, upgrade, or downscale on-site servers to address the data needs of specific projects. Fortunately, cloud computing is having an enormous impact on how research is done across the globe. Watch this video to learn how the elasticity and scalability of Microsoft Azure has allowed genome researchers at Australian National University to access only the computational resources they need while delivering results faster than ever before.

July 19, 2021

Thought Leadership: Teams Future Features

This article describes various new features in Microsoft Teams, including enabling calls in separate windows and pinning meeting controls to the top of your screen.


The AI Revolution Is Here - A Podcast And Interview With Nate Yohannes

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the catalyst for the fourth industrial revolution, the most significant technological advancement thus far. AI has the potential to solve incredible challenges for all of humanity, including climate change, education, design, customer experiences, governance, and food. That said, among the biggest concerns regarding AI is the potential for unexpected and unintended consequences in building and deploying AI products. According to Nate Yohannes, Principal Program Manager for Mixed Reality and AI Engineering at Microsoft, having appropriate representation at decision-making tables when building AI products is critical to help prevent these unfortunate scenarios. From his perspective, representation will go a long way toward preventing the unexpected consequences of AI products, and it will also guarantee that the products that are created will have the widest consumer base possible: everyone. Listen to this podcast for an inspiring conversation about how to make the possible a reality by approaching AI with a new mindset that takes into consideration its full potential for improving the lives of everyone.


A company crazy about chocolate, serious about people, uses Microsoft Teams to build personal relationships

Dutch startup Tony's Chocolonely grew out of a journalist's exposé of child slave labor in the cocoa industry and his dream of making the chocolate trade slavery-free. The Amsterdam-based company grew quickly, but its original collaboration apps didn't support its international expansion or its work-life balance ideals. Teams enables Tony's Chocolonely workers to communicate on a personal level with their colleagues in Europe, America, and Africa. Adding telephony capabilities makes it even more powerful, with everything available in one single interface.


Grant Thornton closes new opportunities faster with Dynamics 365 Sales Insights and AI

To best serve its clients, Grant Thornton must tie its extensive knowledge of macro-level economic and industry trends to the micro-level business needs, motivations, and challenges faced by individual executives within its client base. The global accounting and consulting firm does this by using Microsoft Dynamics 365 Sales, Microsoft Azure, and LinkedIn Sales Navigator to "connect the macro with the micro" and deliver that information quickly and accurately to geographically distributed team members. They also use Dynamics 365 Sales Insights to understand the health of client relationships and where new opportunities may lie, take actions based on those insights, close new opportunities faster, and win more deals.

3 reasons to modernize your data estate ​

Organizations that modernize their data estate can reap major benefits, including enhanced security and compliance, significant cost savings, and the ability to empower employees via business insights and advanced analytics capabilities. Organizations that don't, on the other hand, risk putting themselves behind the curve by missing out on game-changing cost benefits, leaving their businesses open to potential vulnerabilities, and by not taking advantage of modern analytics capabilities. Read this infographic to learn how businesses are taking advantage of the latest technologies by modernizing their datasets to create transformational benefits throughout their organizations, and discover how they're doing so by leveraging Microsoft Azure.

View: 3 reasons to modernize your data estate ​

July 13, 2021

Selling successful process

Today, success is about quality over quantity, replacing the days of cold calling and cut-and-pasting of boilerplate email copy. This infographic provides 3 key themes to each part of a successful sales process.

View: Selling successful process

July 12, 2021

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Not so long ago, the drawbacks of storing databases in the cloud were so great that most businesses gave it little thought. Today, the benefits far outweigh the shortcomings, with an incredible array of additional services and solutions now available that provide organizations with unparalleled efficiency and growth potential. Not only is the price-to-performance ratio of cloud software much better than that of on-site servers, but an array of additional services and solutions can also now be integrated in cloud applications. Subscribe now to learn more about how cloud migration can provide you organization with the scalability and flexibility it needs to support its digital transformation roadmap, as well as how you can reap the benefits of industry-leading capabilities by using Microsoft Azure.

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Solution overview video

This is "Teams Meetings and Calling" by Digital GTM on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.

Romanian healthcare provider improves customer experience and business operations with Microsoft

Regina Maria is a leading provider of healthcare services in Romania. Microsoft equips them with technology to optimize business processes and maintain a high level of patient care. Microsoft Teams unifies their communication applications into a single system, allowing them to reduce the approval process time and increase speed and rate of response to customer feedback. With Microsoft tools, Regina Maria's database is 20% more accurate and complaint management is 50% faster.


ANU: Collaborative research and data sharing

Data-sharing is an immense enabler of scientific advancements. When researchers choose to make their data publicly available, they are allowing their work to contribute far beyond the original findings. Making research data more accessible also fosters transparency and trust in their work, enables other researchers to reproduce and validate their findings, and ultimately, contributes to the pace of scientific discovery by allowing others to reuse and build on top of the data. Fortunately, cloud technology has made it easier than ever to share data across major research institutions. Empowered by tools that include Microsoft Azure, researchers are relying more and more on digital collaboration and open source software to drive scientific breakthroughs. Watch this video to learn how researchers at Australian National University (ANU) are using Azure to build on each other's findings and avoid a siloed approach to data that leads to slower research pipelines.

July 7, 2021


Stay connected with Microsoft Teams. Subscribe now!

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Rapidly-growing UK restaurant chain migrates key business processes to Microsoft Dynamics 365

TGI Friday's wanted a more scalable, flexible platform for core business processes. To support its ambitious growth, the company is consolidating business operations starting with financial management on Microsoft Dynamics 365. Built-in functionality and ease-of-use mean that TGI Friday's can continue to onboard more business processes while expanding its franchise. Benefits of their innovative growth strategy include lower costs, easier access to data, and better insight.

Strengthen customer relationships with a unified customer data profile and predictive insights

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View: Strengthen customer relationships with a unified customer data profile and predictive insights

eBook: Intelligent Economies: AI's transformation of industries and society

Discover what hundreds of senior executive survey respondents from around the world think about artificial intelligence and how its use transforms industries. Read the Microsoft-sponsored report from The Economist Intelligence Unit to learn how people are using AI to make the production and distribution of goods and services more intelligent. You'll also see how optimistic industry leaders are about AI and how it:  •Contributes to financial benefits.  •Transforms economies and jobs. •Encourages growth and productivity.

View: eBook: Intelligent Economies: AI's transformation of industries and society

July 6, 2021

Collaborate with Microsoft Teams

This infographic lists the many ways you can use Microsoft Teams to drive workplace collaboration. It also provides statistics on the success and popularity of Microsoft Teams.

View: Collaborate with Microsoft Teams

How AI is finding patterns and anomalies in your data

From autonomous vehicles, predictive analytics applications, and facial recognition, to chatbots, virtual assistants, cognitive automation, and fraud detection, the use cases for AI span dozens of industries. Regardless of the AI application, though, these use cases all have a common aspect. After implementing thousands of AI projects, experts have come to realize that despite all of the diversity in applications, AI use cases fall into one or more of seven common patterns. One of them—the pattern-matching pattern—has allowed machines to digest large amounts of data to identify patterns, anomalies, and outliers in the data, so organizations can unearth previously undiscovered insights in their datasets. In this article, you'll learn how pattern-matching is being put to use in today's organizations to prevent fraud, find the best job candidates, manage inventories in times of crisis, and empower data scientists with new perspectives on how to improve critical processes.


Custom Air Products & Services manage HVAC manufacturing process using the Power Platform

Custom Air Products and Services is an HVAC company that needed a customized solution to track the entire lifecycle of units from "cradle-to-crate." Microsoft Power Platform had the tools they needed to fully digitize without expensive custom software. Read here to learn how the Power Platform transformed their business across 30+ usage needs.


CWPS uses Microsoft Teams to reimagine sales project workflows

How can your organization benefit from Microsoft Teams? Learn from Frank Lusko, the EVP of Sales and Marketing at CWPS, to hear how his sales team has benefited from this collaboration tool through features such as notification alerts and planner scheduling.

The AI-enabled future

This article from Forbes explores Cognilytica's four-part AI enabled vision of the future. In that vision, there are four main areas in which AI will impact our future lives: the way we work, the way we live, the way we experience the world and our interactions with each other, and the relationship we have with data.


July 5, 2021

Move and modernize your Microsoft workloads with Azure

Hand in hand with digital transformation, cloud technology has seen outstanding growth. Because of the rapid pace of adoption, it has overtaken traditional on-premises hardware. Given the cloud's huge potential across industries, verticals such as manufacturing, railways, banking, retail, education, and healthcare are switching to cloud services to optimize their reach and performance and increase their flexibility. But moving to the cloud is a strategic move, and it requires organizations to make careful internal analysis in choosing the features that will allow them to get the most out of their cloud migration. By reading this infographic, you'll learn more about the most important benefits and features of Microsoft Azure. You'll also discover how the Microsoft cloud is helping businesses enjoy unparalleled cost savings, easily plan migrations, avoid the complexity of multivendor support, and modernize existing cloud applications.

View: Move and modernize your Microsoft workloads with Azure

Powerful alone, better together

Together the Microsoft Power Platform empowers you to create solutions that accelerate business. The platform connects powerful tools to analyze data, automate processes, create virtual agents, and more. Find out here how your team can benefit from this powerful platform and build end-to-end business solutions.

View: Powerful alone, better together

Fortnum and Mason delivers memorable customer experiences with Microsoft Dynamics 365

Fortnum and Mason delivers memorable customer experiences with Microsoft Dynamics 365